
  • 网络nansha river
  1. 北京市南沙河流域的水污染及治理建议

    Suggestions on Water Pollution Prevention and Control of Nansha River Basin in Beijing

  2. 南沙河全段水质调查报告

    Investigation Report on Water Pollution of Nansha River

  3. 论特大值对数理统计参数的影响&兼南沙河立山站设计洪峰流量的确定

    Effect of the especial value on mathematical statistical parameter

  4. 本文以南沙河为研究对象,经过有关资料收集和实地考查,确定了37个采样点,其中19个断面、18个排污口。

    19 monitoring sections and 18 pollution outfalls on Nansha River were defined according to collected data and first-hand investigations .

  5. 通过现场监测分析与采集水样实验室监测分析,对南沙河进行全面的污染现状分析,并运用单因子评价与综合指数评价的方法对南沙河常规污染进行评估。

    The contamination actuality of Nansha River was analyzed by spot and lab checking . The conventional indexes were evaluated using single-factor assessment and comprehensive assessment .

  6. 调查了南沙河水质污染的情况,分析了造成污染的原因,提出了治理南沙河污染的几点建议。

    This paper reports condition of water pollution of Nansha River , analyzes reason of pollution , and puts forward some measures for pollution control of Nansha River .

  7. 并以北京市海淀区内的南沙河河溪缓冲带的情况为例,加以印证说明。

    By taking the Nansha River located in Haidian district of Beijing for an example , we illustrate the functions of stream buffer strips and the scientific management principles .

  8. 解析结果表明,南沙河重金属污染源大致可以分为三类:冶金锻造源、建筑源、化工源。

    The result shows that the pollution source of Heavy Metal in Nansha River can be divided into three types : metallurgy and forge , construction and chemical industry .

  9. 通过对渤南洼陷沙河街组部分烃源岩、原油、含油砂岩抽提物中的饱和烃化合物进行GC和GC-MS分析,研究饱和烃色谱和生物标志物特征,讨论了沙三段原油的来源问题。

    Through the analysis of GC and GC-MS for saturated hydrocarbon compound of extraction from partial hydrocarbon source rock , crude oil and oil sandstone of Shahejie Formation , this paper studies the color spectrum of saturated hydrocarbon and biomarker features , and discusses oil origin of Sha 3 Member .

  10. 渤南洼陷沙河街组次生孔隙形成机理分析

    Mechanism of Secondary Pore in Shahejie Formation of Banan Depression

  11. 渤海湾盆地临南洼陷沙河街组三段&四段暗色页岩和暗色泥岩干酪根中富含有机硫,对这类干酪根的油气生成模式一直未进行深入的研究。

    Kerogen from some source rocks in the third and forth members of the Sahejie Formation in the Linnan Sag , the Bohai Bay Basin have been reported to be sulfur-rich .

  12. 箕状断陷湖盆缓坡带储集砂体特征、演化及控制因素&以胜利油区东营凹陷南缓坡带沙河街组为例

    Characteristics , Evolution and Controlling Factors of the Terrigenous Clastic Reservoir Sand Bodies on the Gentle Slope Zone of the Half-Graben Rift Lake Basin & A Case Study of the Shahejie Formation on the Southern Gentle Slope Zone of the

  13. 以渤南油田三区沙河街组为例,应用遗传人工神经网络模式识别方法,开展了低渗透储层成岩储集相的研究。

    Taking Shahejie Fm in block 3 of Bonan oilfield as an example , the pattern recognition method based on genetic artificial neural network is used to study the diagenetic reservoir facies of low permeability reservoirs .