
  1. 川南城镇密集区协调发展的规划对策研究

    Research on Planning Strategy of High-density Urban Region Development in Southern Sichuan Province

  2. 伊拉克官员表示,南部城镇Kut接连发生的爆炸也造成30多人死亡,几十人受伤。

    Iraqi officials say back-to-back explosions in the southern town of Kut also left more than 30 dead and dozens wounded .

  3. 相关报道称,人质可能已经被带到索马里南部城镇巴拉维(Barawe)。

    Reports now indicate the hostages have been taken to the town of Barawe , in southern Somalia .

  4. 周一,一枚火箭成功杀死以色列南部城镇Sderot的一名平民妇女。

    On Monday , one rocket succeeded in killing a civilian , a woman in the southern Israeli town of Sderot .

  5. 素以田园景观著称的新西兰,其南部城镇凯坦加塔小镇更是个中典范。

    The southern New Zealand town of Kaitangata appears the prime example of the pastoral landscapes the island is known for ;

  6. 阿巴斯主席在讲话时谴责从加沙向以色列南部城镇发射的火箭攻击。

    In his remarks , Palestinian President Abbas condemned rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip that target towns in southern Israel .

  7. 澳大利亚南部城镇霍舌姆被上涨的洪水一分为二,恐怕至少有一名小男孩溺水。

    The southern Australian town of Horsham has been split in two by water and at least one young boy is feared drowned .

  8. 甘地同时也为一条连接克什米尔北部城镇巴拉姆拉和南部城镇安南塔那加的铁路举行了典礼,并称这两个项目为一项壮举。

    Gandhi also inaugurated a rail link connecting Kashmir 's northern town Baramulla with a southern town Anantnag and called both projects an achievement .

  9. 目击者说,直升机星期一在南部城镇巴拉韦附近向一辆汽车开火,打死至少两名乘车人,打伤另外两人。

    Witnesses say helicopters fired on a car near the southern Somali town of Barawe Monday , killing at least two passengers and wounding two others .

  10. 以色列对此作出迅速回应,在加沙南部城镇拉夫尔发动空袭,炸死数名人民抵抗委员会头目。以色列军方谴责该组织策划并发动了此次袭击。

    Israel responded immediately with an air strike on the southern Gaza town of Rafah , killing several leaders of the Popular Resistance Committees whom the Israelis accused of planning the attack .

  11. 侯赛因在南部城镇拜多阿说,总统没有“合法权力”解雇他,他将继续担任他的总理职务。

    Speaking in the southern town of Baidoa , Hussien said that the president has no " legal authority " to sack him and that he would continue to serve in his capacity as prime minister .

  12. 罗马传统则更倾向于强调主教的权威,更注重世俗的管理事务,与南部城镇较为密集的地区较为相宜。

    Roman tradition was more inclined to emphasize the authority of the bishop , and pay more attention to the management of affairs of the secular , was more affordable for the dense areas in southern town relatively .

  13. 星期一,卡特前总统将访问以色列南部城镇斯德洛特,这一城镇曾遭受巴勒斯坦人从附近加沙地带发射的火箭的袭击。星期二,他要前往约旦河西岸与巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯会晤。

    On Monday , the former president will visit the southern Israeli town of Sderot that has been battered by Palestinian rockets fired from nearby Gaza and on Tuesday , he travels to the West Bank for talks with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas .

  14. 几内亚卫生官员证实,该国南部某城镇有5人的埃博拉病毒检测结果呈阳性,3人死亡。

    Health officials in Guinea have confirmed that three people have died and five have tested positive for Ebola in a town in the country 's south .

  15. 印度南部的小城镇是周围村庄的经济文化中心。

    Small towns in South India serve as economic and cultural centres for the surrounding villages .

  16. 中国西部城市群体的城镇化推进研究&川南城市群体的城镇化推进

    On the Urbanization in the Southwest of China

  17. 西班牙足球故事起源于19世纪,英国工程师和经纪人将足球带到了西班牙南部的矿业城镇以及北部的工业区。

    In the 19th century British engineers and managers had brought the game to the mining towns of southern Spain and to the industrialising north .

  18. 强烈的龙卷风袭击了奥克拉荷马州的部分地区,昨晚南部一个城镇至少有八人死亡,几十人受伤,至少6处房屋被摧毁。

    Vicious tornadoes have slammed parts of Oklahoma . At least 8 people were killed last night in a small town south of Oklahoma city . Dozens more are injured . At least 6 homes are destroyed .

  19. 喀土穆三名南部政客被逮捕,抗议者在南部某城镇向苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔政党办公室防火。

    Protesters set alight the office of Sudan President Omar al-Bashir 's party in a southern town after three southern politicians were arrested in Khartoum .