
  • 网络beijing youth
  1. 今年我改订《北京青年报》了。

    This year I changed my subscription to Beijing youth .

  2. 据《北京青年报》报道,在对一对老夫妻的行李进行常规X光检查时,广州白云国际机场的安检人员注意到里面有可移动的物体。

    According to the Beijing Youth Daily , security at southern Guangdong 's Baiyun International Airport noticed movement in an elderly couple 's luggage when they placed their bags through an x-ray machine .

  3. 1997/1998北京青年人群中6株甲1型流感流行株(H1N1)分离及抗原性分析

    Isolation and antigenic analysis of six strains of influenza-a ( h 1n 1 ) from young people in Beijing during 1997-1998

  4. 据《北京青年报》(BeijingYouthDaily)周一报道,北京市为当地冠军企业三元(Sanyuan)拨款1000万元人民币(合160万美元),以开发“适合中国婴儿成长”的中国本土品牌。

    Beijing city has allocated Rmb10m ( $ 1.6m ) to local champion Sanyuan to develop a national indigenous brand " fit for the growth of Chinese babies , " the Beijing Youth Daily reported on Monday .

  5. 不过,根据上周二北京青年报报道,高铁覆不覆盖WiFi应当由市场需求来决定。

    However , on last Tuesday Beijing Youth Daily said it should be market demand that decides whether the WiFi is offered on board trains or not .

  6. 克里曼告诉《北京青年报》记者,tuhao与英语中bling(意指穿名牌衣服戴璀璨珠宝)一词有着相似之处。

    Kleeman told the Beijing Youth Daily that tuhao has some similarities with the English word bling , which refers to expensive , ostentatious clothing or jewelry .

  7. 据《北京青年周刊》报道,IT领域著名博友Keso认为此活动的迅速传播是一起成功的病毒行销案例。

    Beijing-based Youth Weekend reported that famous IT blogger Keso regarded this program 's rapid spread as a successful virus marketing case .

  8. 根据北京青年报报道,在火车上的WIFI信号将来自沿途的3G和4G服务提供商,且每台火车的无线网络将会支持120个设备同时接入访问。

    According to Beijing Youth Daily , the WiFi signals on the trains will come from the 3G and 4G services providers along the way , and the wireless network capacity will be able to accommodate 120 devices at the same time on each train .

  9. 《年轮的遗痕》参加北京青年画会首届会员作品展(中国美术馆);

    Trace of Growth Ring , Exhibition of Beijing Youth Art Society ;

  10. 《北京青年报》的核心产品在于报纸新闻的深度报道;

    The core production of Beijing youth is the deep report of the news .

  11. 在《北京青年》中,堂兄弟四人组踏上了重走青春的旅程。

    In Beijing Youth , four cousins embark on a journey to rediscover their youth .

  12. 在《北京青年》中,四位主人公在这段漂泊的日子里,共同面对所有事情。

    In Beijing Youth , during this drifting phase , four characters go through everything together .

  13. 媒体如何体现人文关怀&以《北京青年报》的报导为例

    How do Medium Embody Human Care & An Example of the Reports of Beijing Youth Daily

  14. 论《北京青年报》的版面风格

    Layout style of Beijing Youth Baily

  15. 从《北京青年报》的办报实践看报业最需要的三种人才

    On three kinds of personnel urgently needed in the newspaper industry through practices of Beijing Youth Daily

  16. 据《北京青年报》报道,一位年轻女士表示,考虑到金价太高,她决定推迟购买黄金饰品。

    One young woman told the Beijing Youth Daily she was delaying gold purchases because prices were so high .

  17. 本文是《北京青年报》总编辑张延平在21世纪新闻学教育峰会上的即兴演讲,其观点令人耳目一新。

    This article is based on the adlib by ZHANG Yan-ping at a 21st century international summit on journalistic education .

  18. 北京青年报称,警方认为现场未发现有明显外伤痕迹,所以排除了他杀可能性。

    Police investigating the incident found no evidence of trauma and have ruled out homicide , Beijing Youth Daily said .

  19. 据《北京青年报》报道,在北京大学一次大规模心理咨询会上,居然排起了长队。

    A report from shows that there were a long queue on a big-scale conference for psycology consultation in peking university .

  20. 北京青年日报还报道,草原,岛屿和远足地点成为今年最受欢迎的旅游目的地

    Grasslands , islands and hiking spots have become popular destinations this year , according to a Beijing Youth Daily report .

  21. 2005年荣获《北京青年报》“北京地产十年”之荣誉人物大奖;

    In2005 , he was awarded the grand prize by Beijing Youth Daily for the " Ten Best of Beijing Real Estate ";

  22. 据《北京青年报》报道,张秋实还表示,知县的官帽也与历史不符。

    Meanwhile she said that the two wings of the official headgear were also inconsistent with history , reported Beijing Youth Daily .

  23. 北京青年报引用了一篇科学报道,该报道称,自上世纪80年代开始,中国每三年就会发生一次严重的干旱现象。

    The newspaper quotes a scientific report that indicates severe droughts might have occurred every three years in the country since the 1980s .

  24. 当晚的募捐活动温情四溢,真正体现了北京青年音乐人的梦想与激情,以及他们对社会的真诚关怀与强烈责任感。

    This charity showed Beijing young musician 's dreams and passions , and their sincere care for our society and strong social responsibility .

  25. 拜读贵公司刊登在5月18日北京青年报上的人才招聘广告,本人特此应征行政助理一职。

    Replying to your advertisement in " Beijing Youth Daily " of May 18 for an administration assistant , I tender my services .

  26. 《北京青年报》援引工业和信息技术部的话称,此举是为了促进竞争。

    The move is intended to bolster competition , the Beijing Youth Daily reported , citing the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .

  27. 朱磊接受《北京青年报》采访时表示,证监会的人说这只熊看起来“好像在对他们竖中指”。

    They said it was " as if it was putting its middle finger up at them , " he tells Beijing Youth Daily .

  28. 据北京青年报,煤矿没有安装瓦斯检测系统和爆炸物被放在一个地下库房。

    According to the Beijing Youth Daily , the mine failed to install a gas detection system and explosives were stocked in a storeroom underground .

  29. 马强,一个39岁的四川人告诉《北京青年报》他希望被选中以使他的生命值得活下去。

    Ma Qiang , a 39-year-old Sichuan Province native , told Beijing Youth Daily he hoped to be selected to make his life worth living .

  30. 《北京青年报》称,因为活物是不允许装入航班的手提行李中的,所以这对老夫妇决定将这袋蟑螂留给了安检人员。

    Beijing Youth Daily says that because living organisms are not permitted in on-flight hand luggage , the couple chose to leave them with security staff .