
  • 网络reaction heat;heat of chemical reaction
  1. 当考虑化学反应热、热传导和热辐射的影响时,Pt(110)/CO+O2表面催化氧化体系温度出现时空变化。

    The system of Pt ( 110 ) / CO + O2 involving chemical reaction heat , heat conduction and radiation heat transfer is non-isothermal .

  2. 介绍了几种由小试数据估算化学反应热的方法。

    This paper mainly introduces the method of calculating chemical reaction heat .

  3. 烯烃在USY沸石表面上化学反应热的量热测定

    Calorimetric Measurement of Surface Reaction Heats of Alkenes on USY Zeolites

  4. 自蔓延高温合成(Self-propagatinghigh-temperaturesynthesis,缩写SHS)是一种利用反应物之间高化学反应热的自加热和自传导过程来合成材料的一种新技术。

    Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis ( SHS ) is a new technique by which material synthesis is achieved through the self-heating and self-conducting process making use of the heat from the chemical reaction between reactors .

  5. 焊条药皮化学反应热与焊条能耗的关系

    Relationship between chemical reaction heat of coating and energy consumption of electrode

  6. 有加质和化学反应热传导的积分计算

    An integral method for calculation heat conduction with mass transfer and chemical reaction

  7. 由小试实验数据估算化学反应热

    Calculating Chemical Reaction Heat From Experiment

  8. 一个新的化学反应热计算式

    New Formula for Reaction Heat Calculation

  9. 充分利用化学反应热,提高自备工业锅炉和废锅发汽压力;

    Full utilization of chemical reaction heat and increment of vapour pressure of industrial and waste boilers ;

  10. 考虑化学反应热,在入射光能量水平较低时,药剂表面温度的变化曲线出现双峰现象。

    If with effect of chemical reaction heat , variation curve of surface temperature of powder appears double peaks while laser energy is lower .

  11. 指出细化熔滴、增加电弧的化学反应热、加入在500℃以上分解气体的物质可有效提高电弧吹力进而改善立向下焊接操作性。

    The results showed that operative performance in the vertical down welding can be improved through fine droplet , increasing chemical reactive heat in arc area , raising arc blow force .

  12. 结果表明,这两种因素对点火延迟时间和临界点火阈值的影响不可忽略,相比之下,化学反应热的影响更大,而且随着入射光能量水平的升高两因素对点火延迟时间的影响减小。

    Results show that effect of the two factors on function time and ignition threshold cannot be overlooked , the effect of chemical reaction heat is greater than that of the other factor , and the effect of them on function time reduces along with laser energy rising .

  13. 利用相变材料在相变时吸热或放热来储能或释能,相变储能与显热和化学反应热储能相比最大的优势是储热密度高,储、放热过程近似等温。

    Phase-change materials has been used in endothermic or exothermic phase transition to store or release energy , the great advantage of energy storage of phase change over thermal energy storage of chemical reactions is high-density heat storage , heat is stored and released in almost the isothermal process .

  14. 讨论了SiC晶体升华法生长机理。从SiC晶体生长过程中的化学反应,热传输,物质传输以及缺陷的形成等方面进行了探讨。

    SiC crystal growth by sublimation method is discussed with emphasis on chemical reactions , thermal transfer , mass transfer and defect formation during sublimation growth of SiC .

  15. 而低夜温后光照并未导致海桐叶片PQ还原程度增加与光合电子传递速率受阻,叶片吸收光能主要分配于光化学反应和热耗散,未引起PSⅡ反应中心的过剩激发能增加。

    However for Pittosporum tobira , low night temperature and light energy did not increase the extent of PQ reduction and block photosynthetic electron transport , the absorbed light energy of leaf was dissipated by photochemistry and heat , so the excess energy of PS ⅱ reaction centers was slight .

  16. 非酶化学反应及热降解反应等;

    The non-enzyme chemical reaction and the heat - degradability etc.

  17. 基于物料平衡和热平衡以及化学反应的热、动力学,结合相关的参数建立了电弧炉冶炼过程的动态模型。

    Based on the mass and energy balances and the thermodynamics and kinetics of chemical reaction , a dynamic model in conjunction with relative operation parameters is derived .

  18. 在历史上人类较早地认识到化学反应的热运动本质,而随着现代科学技术的发展,原子的热运动规律引起了科学家更多地关注。

    In history , the heat-driven nature of chemical reactions was early recognized by human . By the development of modern science , more heat-driven processes were focused by scientists .

  19. 该文针对膛口温度场的中心焰及二次焰形成与传播机制,考虑到化学反应、热传导、扩散等,建立了膛口温度场的一维物理模型。

    In this paper , one dimensional physical model is presented with regard to the formation of the centre and second fire , and in the model , chemical reaction , heat conduction and diffusion are considered .

  20. 现代激光测量技术的发展使得拍摄紊流火焰内高度时空精度的详尽火焰结构成为可能,这可以用来分析紊流场、化学反应和热与质分子运输之间的交互作用。

    With modern laser diagnostic techniques it is now possible to image the detailed flame structure inside turbulent flames with high temporal and spatial resolution . This makes it possible to analyze the interaction between turbulent flow fields chemical reactions heat transfer and molecular transport of matter .

  21. 电磁波对化学反应非致热作用的实验研究

    A Study of Athermal Action of Electromagnetic Waves on Chemical Reaction

  22. 甲醇合成乙酸的化学平衡和反应热的计算

    Calculation of Chemical Equilibrium and Reaction Heat for Synthesis of Acetic Acid from Methanol

  23. 文用实验证实了电磁波对化学反应的非热作用。

    The non-heat effect of electromagnetic wave on chemical reaction is demonstrated by an experiment .

  24. 我们必须知道这一种或那一种化学反应器中热转换的速度。

    We have to know about rates of heat franker in chemical reactors of one sort or another .

  25. 地球内部化学反应释放的热对于地球的热平衡并不重要。

    The heat released from chemical reactions in its interior has no significance for the heat balance of the earth .

  26. 电磁波对化学反应的非热作用及其在电磁生物非热效应机理研究中的意义

    The Non-Heat Effect of Electromagnetic Waves on Chemical Reaction and its Application in the Mechanism Research of Athermal Biologic Effect of Electromagnetism

  27. 有质量引射和化学反应的内部热传导的确定是卫星再入舱热防护设计中遇到的一个重要问题。

    The determination of heat conduction with mass transfer and chemical reaction is an important problem encountered in design of heat shied for reentry command module .

  28. 微波可以使反应速率提高到常规加热的3倍左右,其原因是微波对化学反应存在非热效应。

    Microwave irradiation accelerated the reaction for about 3 times in comparison with common heating process probably due to the non-thermal effect of microwave to chemical reaction .

  29. 高炉一直是生产铁的最主要、最经济和最有效的方法,是一种最有效的化学反应器和热交换器,是钢铁生产中的重要环节。

    The blast furnace has been the most important , economical and effective method of making iron , has been one of the most effective chemical reactions and heat exchangers , has been an important link of iron & steel production .

  30. 根据已提出的考虑混凝土化学反应速率的热传导方程新理论,分析了水化热引起的大体积混凝土墙的温度场,给出了该问题非线性热传导方程的解析迭代公式。

    On the basis of the new theory of heat conduction equation considering the chemical reaction rate of concrete , the temperature field caused by hydration heat in massive concrete walls is analyzed , and the analytical iterative solution to the nonlinear heat conduction equation is presented .