
jiǎo fěi
  • suppress bandits


chāo fěi
  • catch bandits
剿匪 [jiǎo fěi]
  • [send armed force to suppress bandits] 剿灭土匪

  1. 新生活运动之所以在南昌发起与剿匪有很大关系,但这并不是它的主要目的。

    The New Life Movement was launched at NanChang for " suppressing bandits ", but it was not its main purpose .

  2. 山东省办长途电话对当时山东省政令传达、军事剿匪与国防、经济发展以及黄河防汛等事业的发展,发挥了重要作用。

    It played an important role in the communication of decree , the suppressing bandits and national defense , economic development and the Yellow River flood control .

  3. 在“剿匪”的口号下,那些自己曾是名副其实的土匪的地主们组织了还乡团,并向各村摊派枪支捐。

    Under the slogan of " fighting bandits ," the landlords , who in reality were ex-bandits themselves , organized a Home Returning Corps and placed a rifle tax on all the villages .

  4. 之后电影就闪回到1946年的中国——这个闪回的原因直到最后播放片尾字幕时才说明——当时有一支中国人民解放军的小分队正在剿匪。

    The movie then flashes back - for reasons not clarified until a closing-credits sequence - to 1946 China , where a squad of the Communist People 's Liberation Army works to root out bandits .

  5. 抗战爆发后,安徽沦为战区,其原有县及以下基层行政组织因日军入侵和长期剿匪体制下的弊端无法适应抗战需要而走到崩溃边缘。

    Due to the invasion of the Japanese army and the defects of the " bandit suppression " system , the former county administrative organizations and the grass-root administrations of Anhui Province went to the edge of collapse .
