
  • 网络Cherokee
  1. 到一八二八年,切罗基人甚至拥有了自己的报纸。

    By 1828 , the Cherokee were even printing their own newspaper .

  2. 第一批白人来到之后,切罗基人学会了许多白人的生活方式。

    Whenthe first white men came , the Cherokee copied many of their ways .

  3. 切罗基人是热爱和平的农夫,居住在固定的村庄里。

    They were peace-loving farmers who lived in permanent villages .

  4. 切罗基人有个传说,讲述的是关于一个叫做奴尤诺维或者石头怪的食人怪物。

    A Cherokee legend tells of a cannibalistic monster named Nun'yunu'wi , or Stoneclad .

  5. 切罗基人建造了房屋,农场。

    The Cherokees had built homes and farms .

  6. 如今美国的东南部曾经是切罗基人居住的地方。

    The Cherokee lived in what is now the southeastern part of the United States .

  7. 鲜血是切罗基人传统信仰中重要的组成部分,象征着生命。

    Blood is an important part of the traditional Cherokee belief system , symbolizing life .

  8. 没过多久,很多切罗基人就学会了用自己的语言读和写。

    Before long , many Cherokee knew how to read and write in their own language .

  9. 哭泣之路-1835年佐治亚州的切罗基人领地发现金矿,一小群切罗基少数民族被迫以五百万美元的补偿放弃密西西比河东部的部落领地。

    Trail of Tears-In1835 , when gold was discovered on Cherokee land in Georgia , a small minority of Cherokee ceded all tribal land east of the Mississippi for $ 5 million .