
  • 网络Cher;Peter Schmeichel;Chale;Chell;IxChel
  1. 桑尼和切尔来到这个城市,身后背着衣裳。

    Sonny and Cher came into this city with the clothes on their back .

  2. 如果你是切尔,你可以穿着一身头饰比衣服还要多的奇装怪服,上台做奥斯卡金像奖授奖致辞。

    If you were Cher , you could show up to make an Academy Award presentation speech wearing a bizarre creation that had more headdress than dress .

  3. 曾在纽约从事律师工作的切尔卡斯基表示,作为该集团的子公司之一,尽管美世人力资源咨询公司(mercerhumanresourceconsulting)在华业务基础较小,但发展尤为迅速。

    The former New York lawyer said business at Mercer Human Resource Consulting , one of its subsidiaries , has been growing especially fast in China , albeit from a small base .

  4. 萨维尔(SavileRow)裁缝行切尔高(Kilgour)有现成的时髦西服(窄翻领与无盖口袋等细微处体现了现代时尚风格)。

    Savile Row tailor Kilgour does sharp , off-the-peg suits with modern details - thin lapels , flapless pockets .

  5. 加布里埃尔·欧内斯特在哪儿?范·切尔尖叫。

    ' Where is Gabriel Ernest ? ' screamed Van Cheele .

  6. 但是无论如何,切尔托夫也警告说,严重的安全威胁依然存在。

    Chertoff cautioned , however , that serious security threats remain .

  7. 撤切尔夫人想要第四次参加竞选。

    Mrs Thatcher wanted to run a fourth time .

  8. 切尔托夫也参与了“会见新闻界”节目。

    Chertoff also appeared on Meet the Press .

  9. 迈克尔.切尔托夫在布什总统执政的最后几年中担任国土安全部部长。

    Michael Chertoff was the Secretary of Homeland Security during the final years of George W.

  10. 我的家庭生活中因为有了希拉里与切尔希而增添了光彩。

    I have been graced beyond measure by my family life with Hillary and Chelsea .

  11. 切尔扬表示,产生这种现象的原因来自社会压力,而不是这些受访者缺乏自控能力。

    The root of the problem is social pressures , not a lack self-control , Cheryan says .

  12. 我在切尔德里斯娶了个小巧可爱的德州姑娘,叫露玲。

    Tell you what , I married a cute little old Texas girl down in Childress & Lureen .

  13. 父亲安理柯.莫迪里安尼是罗马城的主要儿科医师,母亲奥尔卡.法拉切尔是一位义务社会工作人员。

    My father was a leading pediatrician in the city and my mother was a volunteer social worker .

  14. 在切尔文斯基博士曾经参与过的一项研究中,当跟踪设备提醒志愿者他很焦虑不安时,他的心情更糟糕了。

    Dr. Czerwinski once worked with a study volunteer who got upset when tracking devices indicated that he was stressed .

  15. 切尔托夫星期四在乔治城大学演讲时表示,他对能够协助同恐怖主义进行斗争感到骄傲。

    Michael Chertoff told an audience at Washington 's Georgetown University Thursday he is proud of having helped to guard against acts of terrorism .

  16. 美国亚利桑那州州长纳波里塔诺已经被当选总统奥巴马提名担任新的国土安全部部长,接替即将离任的切尔托夫。

    Janet Napolitano , the governor of the Southwestern state of Arizona , has been named by President-elect Barack Obama to succeed Chertoff as Homeland Security Secretary .

  17. 费雷拉完成了在切尔细的第100次出场。他在球队追平比分前被换下的。

    Ferreira , playing his100th Chelsea game , is substituted just before their third goal , and Wright-Phillips is added to midfield as Chelsea go three at the back .

  18. 切尔卡斯基指出,在中国,尽管诉讼风险并不常见,但恶劣天气、地震、流行病和大规模意外事件仍是中国国内严重的风险因素。

    While lawsuits in China are uncommon , Mr Cherkasky pointed out that dangerous weather , earthquakes , disease epidemics and large-scale accidents remain serious risk factors within the country .

  19. 他也曾经在切尔新这样的球队踢过球,那里有许多伟大的球员,不得不为自己的位置努力,在巴萨也是如此。

    He 's played in a team like Chelsea who had a lot of great players and had to fight for his place , it 's going to be the same in Barcelona .

  20. 美世人力资源咨询公司并不从事猎头工作,而是帮助一系列在华企业制定招聘、薪酬及培训战略。切尔卡斯基估计,这个子公司正以每年50%的速度增长。

    The human resources arm , which Mr Cherkasky estimated is growing by 50 per cent a year , does not do headhunting but helps an array of China-based corporations conceive recruiting , compensation and training strategies .

  21. 出生于德国的克莱因博士在切尔腾纳姆科学节的演讲中表示,几十年来对于幸福的研究表明,那些通过临床诊断为抑郁的人们通常认为在他们的生活中没有快乐的来源。

    Speaking at the Cheltenham Science Festival , the German-born researcher said that decades of study into happiness has shown that people who are clinically depressed often believe there are no sources of joy in their lives .

  22. 而在鹿特丹,人们则正在对一台用于切割库尔斯克号船壳的链锔进行测试。撤切尔夫人是一直反对被设计来使联邦制的欧洲合众国框架就位的马斯垂克特条约的。

    And in Rotterdam , a special chain saw is being tested prior to being used to cut into the Kursk 's hull . Mrs. Thatcher has been vehemently opposed to the Maastricht Treaty designed to set in place the framework for a federal United States of Europe .

  23. 17岁时,她被送到切尔腾纳姆女子学院去「纠正土方言」。在那里,她受到了贵族子女们的歧视,他们嘲笑她是「铁道+银行」的产物。

    At seventeen , she was transferred to Cheltenham Ladies College , ' to get rid of her brogue , ' and there she endured the legendary Miss Beale and Miss Buss , and the indignity of being the Irish product of the railway and the bank among the offspring of the English gentry .