
fēn hóng
  • a bonus;share out bonus;divvy;receive dividents;draw extra dividends;receive extra profits
分红 [fēn hóng]
  • (1) [share out bonus]∶分取红利

  • (2) [draw extra dividends;receive extra profits]

  • (3) 指社员定期分配工分值

  • (4) 集体企业分配盈余

  • (5) 股份制企业按股份分的利润

分红[fēn hóng]
  1. 除权就是告诉投资者不能分红吗?

    Tell investor to cannot share out bonus namely except authority ?

  2. 假如你喜欢要这股票的股权(分红或送、赠红股),则你什么都不用做。

    If you like to want the equity of this stock ( share out bonus or send , give bonus ) , criterion your whats need not be done .

  3. 分红通告每年由总公司发送至地方代理商。

    Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents

  4. 分红式债券的收益已有所提高。

    Returns on with-profits bonds have improved .

  5. 工人们期望年终分红。

    The workers expected to share out a year-end bonus .

  6. 该公司被迫到期不分红。

    The company was forced to pass its dividend .

  7. A:分红保险与存款有区别吗?

    A : Is there any difference between dividend-participated insurance and deposit ?

  8. 银河银泰理财分红证券投资基金更新招募说明书

    Galaxy Yintai fiscal dividend securities investment funds to update placement prospectuses .

  9. 这个分红规则叙述如下:每当盈余超过一个给定的正整数b,保险公司就把超出b以上的盈余作为红利支付给股东。

    The dividend policy is that when the surplus is bigger than a positive integer b , the insurer pays out all of the surplus over b as dividends .

  10. Facebook也确实遭遇了1.57亿美元的季度亏损,但这更大程度上是受到分红补贴成本的影响。

    Facebook made a quarterly loss , of $ 157m , but that was more than explained by the accounting cost of share-based compensation .

  11. 因此,上市公司实施MBO后,管理层具有分红倾向,高分红有损于流通股股东利益。

    So , management has high dividend distribution aptitude , which brings damage to the interests of the stockholders circulated .

  12. 但在去年被问及这个问题时,李嘉诚曾回复道:和记黄埔将在3G开始盈利时提高分红。

    But when queried on the subject last year , Mr Li replied : Hutchison will increase its dividends to shareholders when 3G becomes profitable .

  13. SM公司老板抱怨说,100万下载量收取的分红还不够MV制作费。

    SM Entertainment 's boss complains that even 1m downloads cannot cover the cost of making a music video .

  14. 相应地,市场分析师将哈雷公司股票调整至分红增长股票,与菲利普莫里斯公司(PhilipMorrisInternational)比肩。

    Accordingly , market analysts have reclassified Harley as a dividend growth stock along the lines of companies such as Philip Morris International ( PM , Fortune 500 ) .

  15. 实施MBO加大了企业的债务风险、引起了高额分红倾向,导致了企业资产的流失。

    The application of MBO will increase financial risk and higher claim for dividend and result in the undermining the enterprise 's economic resources .

  16. 接著利用OLS模型及固定效果模型来探讨异常报酬与未预期分红之关联。

    We then utilize OLS Model and Fixed Effect Model to explore the relationship between unexpected employee bonuses and abnormal returns .

  17. 沃达丰上次从VerizonWireless获得分红是在2005年,价值9.23亿英镑(合18亿美元)。不过,这家英国公司的高管指出,他们预计2009年将恢复分红。

    Vodafone 's last dividend from Verizon Wireless , worth 923m ( $ 1.8bn ), was in 2005 but the UK company 's executives have indicated that they expect payments to resume by 2009 .

  18. 但是在保险巨头AIG引发分红“热潮”后,对于此项计划来说,最大的障碍不在于要承担的金融风险,而在于政府那方。

    The biggest obstacle to their participation is no longer financial risk but the political sort , thanks to the bonus frenzy over American International Group ( AIG ) .

  19. 这对于平稳、公正、合理的实施MBO有一定的积极意义。论文还就实施MBO对公司财务政策的影响进行了分析,指出MBO会促使公司偏向于现金分红政策和非常谨慎的对外投资政策。

    The thesis analyses the impact of MBO on corporate financial policy , pointing out that after MBO , the company may be inclined to distribute profit by cash and invest very cautiously .

  20. Watts和Zimmerman教授对此提出了分红计划假说、负债权益比率假说和企业规模假说三大著名假设。

    Three famous hypotheses bonus plan hypothesis , ratio of liability to equity hypothesis and business scale hypothesis have been made by Prof. Watts and Zimmerman .

  21. 第五章以二维复合Poisson风险模型为例,利用动态控制理论讨论了使其取得最大累积折现分红值的最优分红策略和动态比例再保险策略。

    In the fifth chapter , by dynamic control theory , the optimal dividend strategy and the optimal dynamic proportional reinsurance strategy are find out to maximize the cumulative expected discounted dividends in the bivariate compound Poisson model .

  22. 而对于有分红的美式看涨期权而言,由于其具有提前执行的特性,无法像欧式期权一样得到封闭解,因此人们常采用格点法与蒙特卡罗模拟法(MonteCarloMethod)为其定价。

    In terms of the American call option with dividend , because of the property that it can be executed before expire , in very few special cases , closed form solutions can be found . More often , lattice method and Monte Carlo simulation method are necessary for pricing .

  23. ETF的跟踪误差主要受到三个因素的影响:申赎量的变化、基金分红以及管理费、托管费和其它费用。

    The tracking error of ETFs are mainly affected by three factors : the purchase and redemption of ETF , dividends , fund management fee and custodian fee and some other fees .

  24. G20集团还含蓄地呼吁银行限制向股东分红,称:我们呼吁银行保留更大一部分当前利润,以构建资本金,在需要的情况下支持放贷。

    The group also made an implicit plea for banks to limit payouts to shareholders , saying : We call on banks to retain a greater proportion of current profits to build capital , where needed , to support lending .

  25. JohnLewisPartnership旗下拥有JohnLewis百货商店和Waitrose超市,在过去80年中一直是一家员工所有的企业。8.1万名员工被称为合伙人,通过年度分红的方式分享企业利润。

    The partnership , which owns John Lewis department stores and Waitrose supermarkets , has for the past 80 years been run as an employee-owned organisation , its 81,000 partners , as they are known , sharing in its profits through an annual bonus .

  26. 葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline,简称GSK)已放弃了转让部分艾滋病(HIV)药物部门的计划,并承诺要在今后三年内保证其稳定分红。这家深陷困境的英国制药集团正要着手实施其重获增长的战略。

    GlaxoSmithKline has dropped plans to sell part of its HIV drugs unit and promised to hold its dividend steady for the next three years as the struggling UK pharmaceuticals group set out its strategy to revive growth .

  27. 因此,根据FamaandMacBeth(1973)回归结果,本文认为不同股市周期下,现金分红情况对股价波动的影响不同,下降市场时期,现金股利分红作用更大。

    Thus , according to Fama and MacBeth ( 1973 ) regression results , this paper considers that under different market cycles , the impact between cash dividends and stock price fluctuations is different .

  28. 根据Bellman最优性原理,得出了分红情况下的Bellman方程,通过对所得方程的分析给出了解析解和最优控制策略。

    The Bellman equation with dividend is obtained by using the Bellman optimal principle . The explicit solution and the optimal control policy making the dividend maximize for the enterprises are achieved by analyzing the Bellman equation .

  29. 他没有从这家出版商赚取一分钱:他不拿工资、不接受分红、买书自己掏钱,还买下了Folio位于伦敦的总部,以便让公司不用支付租金。

    He makes no money from the publisher : he draws no salary and takes no dividend , he pays for all his books and he bought Folio its London headquarters so it pays no rent .

  30. 如果监管层认为这项财政援助违反了欧盟竞争法,则PSA可能会被迫在已有让步的基础上再次做出让步,比如取消分红和奖金,在董事会中安排政府指派人员等。

    If regulators decide the assistance violates EU competition law , PSA could be forced to make concessions on top of those it has already made , such as the elimination of dividends and bonuses , and the placement of a government appointee on its board of directors .