
nónɡ chǎnɡ zhǔ
  • farmer;farm operator
  1. 他们从当地一位农场主手中租得这块土地。

    They lease the land from a local farmer .

  2. 有时当工作让我沮丧时,我喜欢幻想自己是一个农场主。

    At times when my work gets me down , I like to fantasize about being a farmer .

  3. 小农场主中可能还会有人破产。

    There could be further bankruptcies among small farmers .

  4. 农场主的利益需要同消费者的利益相一致。

    The interests of farmers need to be squared with those of consumers .

  5. 纳米比亚法律允许农场主射杀猎豹以保护家畜。

    Namibian law permits ranchers to shoot cheetahs to protect their livestock

  6. 这种政策必然会招致农场主的强烈抵制。

    Such a policy would inevitably draw fierce resistance from farmers .

  7. 这里种植水稻的农场主仍是人工种植和收割庄稼。

    Rice farmers here still plant and harvest their crops by hand

  8. 多数饲养家禽的农场主不得不依赖商业化生产的饲料。

    Most poultry farmers have to rely on commercially manufactured feeds .

  9. 这是农场主首次决定组织起来。

    It 's the first time farmers have decided to organize .

  10. 小农场主正舍弃他们的土地,到这里来寻找工作。

    Farmers are deserting their fields and coming here looking for jobs

  11. 在法国,农场主是强有力的政党支持群体。

    In France , farmers are a powerful political constituency .

  12. 农场主和政客被金钱和选票绑在了一起。

    Farmers and politicians are yoked by money and votes .

  13. 大部分农场主的一举一动都受到银行经理们的密切关注。

    Most farmers have bank managers breathing down their necks .

  14. 州水利工程项目已切断了对农场主的所有供水。

    The State Water Project has shut off all supplies to farmers .

  15. 3万名愤怒的农场主示威抗议可能对农产品补贴进行的削减。

    30,000 angry farmers demonstrated against possible cuts in subsidies

  16. 农场主俱乐部是为农业界人士创办的组织。

    The Farmers ' Club is an organisation for people involved in agriculture .

  17. 农场主们一直在寻找更高的价格,以更好地保护自己不受国外竞争对手的影响。

    The farmers have been seeking higher prices as better protection from foreign competition

  18. “全球2000”成为了小农场主的承保公司。

    Global 2000 became an underwriter for small farmers .

  19. 许多生活在土地贫瘠的边境地区的纳米比亚黑人农场主的收成仅够维持自身的口粮。

    Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands .

  20. 还有一些传统的农场主仍旧在用老式的方法制作奶酪。

    There are some traditional farmers left who still make cheese the old-fashioned way .

  21. 农场主在该组织总部外进行了喧闹而和平的抗议。

    The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization

  22. 为了缓解经济困难,农场主们损失的补贴会得到补偿。

    To ease financial difficulties , farmers could be compensated for their loss of subsidies .

  23. 农场主支付的报酬少得可怜,还经常是以食物和衣服的形式。

    The farmers pay pitiful wages , often in the form of food and clothes .

  24. 农场主会发现由于利率的上涨,收入减少了1/4。

    Farmers could see a quarter of their income swallowed up by the interest rate rise .

  25. 他看不起私营农场主。

    He was contemptuous of private farmers

  26. 这个方案要想真正成功,他们就需要增加参与的农场主的人数。

    They need to expand the number of farmers who are involved if the scheme 's going to really take off

  27. 大农场主正在不断涌进来,不是为了耕作,而是要利用不断上涨的地价进行投机。

    Big farmers are moving in , not in order to farm , but in order to speculate with rising land prices

  28. 不用怎么提示农场主们就会告诉你,“该死的养狗人”是他们生活的灾星。

    Farmers don 't need much prompting to tell you that ' flaming dog owners ' are the scourge of their lives .

  29. 农场主布朗的牛都烙上了字母“B”的印记。

    Farmer Brown 's cattle are branded with the letter B.

  30. 这位农场主和他的邻居决定成立一个合作农场。

    The farmer and his neighbors decided to establish a cooperative farm .