
  • 网络Zlitan;Zliten;Zleiten
  1. 正在为推翻卡扎菲政权而战的利比亚反政府武装声称,他们已占领了两座具有战略意义的沿海城市兹利坦和扎维耶,这两座城市都离的黎波里不远。

    Libyan rebels fighting to overthrow the regime of Leader Moammar Gadhafi , claim to have captured two strategic coastal cities , Zlitan and Zawiya , which are not far from Tripoli .

  2. 目前还不清楚究竟是什么因素使得无人驾驶侦察机失踪,但是卡扎菲手下的武装力量在沿海城市兹利坦一直比较活跃。另一方面,反卡扎菲人士一直在设法从代夫尼耶向西部地区挺进。

    It was not immediately clear what brought down the drone , but Gadhafi 's forces have been active in the coastal town of Zlitan , as rebels attempt to push westward from Dafniya .