- 网络kripke;Saul Kripke

In Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language , Saul Kripke presents a skeptical argument for the paradoxical conclusion that there are no facts about what we mean by our words .
On kripke 's priori , contingent and posteriori , necessary propositions
Logical Paradoxes and Self-reference & on Kripke 's thoughts of logical paradoxes
Language and World : an Explanation of Kripke 's A Posteriori Necessary Truth
And Kripke also started his own interpretation of private language from this point .
Kripke gives a semantical analysis to necessity , and establishes semantics of possible world .
On Kripke 's Naming and Necessity
Natural Kind Names and Rigidity & A Doubtful Point in Kripke 's Theory of General Names
Kripke 's Research on Logical Paradox
Hegel and modern Kripke , Putnam and others have developed the essentialism on certain degrees .
On the basis of possible worlds , Kripke puts forward the " strict instructions to the word " theory .
Since Kripke 's reading and explaining , the question about Rule-Following has been a hot topic of western philosophy recently .
This paper analyse their arguments , and point out the causal description theory can 't withstand the Kripke 's semantical argument .
Kripke and Putnam that the two philosophers is relatively independent of the environment , made similar allegations of cause and effect theory .
Some Comments on Kripke and Gupta 's " Liar Paradox " & Unfavorable " Context " and Its " Complex Proposition " Resolution
The second part analyzes two important reference theory concerning name : Description Theory represented by Russell and Historical Casual Theory of Reference represented by Kripke .
Aristotle debated the essence of matter by using the viewpoint of ontology and epistemology . However Kripke debated the essence from the viewpoint of epistemology .
Kripke 's other thoughts , for example , the theory of naming and the theory of essence , have close relation to this kind of inevitability .
Nevertheless , the viewpoints of Quine and Kripke were important milestones in the history of analytical philosophy , which bring about a great advance in contemporary analytical philosophy .
Kripke is a moderate realist , who considers ' possible worlds ' as ' possible state ( or history ) of the world ', or ' counterfactual situation ' .
Kripke gave an ( indirect " self-reference ") example to show : our ordinary assertions are liable to exhibit paradoxes , if the " context " is extremely unfavorable .
For the sake of criticizing Frege and Russell 's theory of description of names , Kripke gave three kinds of demonstration , namely model arguments , epistemological arguments and semantic arguments .
Some people claim that , to some extent , Kripke 's semantic arguments and model arguments can be avoided based on Donnellan 's viewpoints on the referential and attributive use of definite descriptions .
The problems of cross-world identity or cross-world identification have something to do with the possible worlds . According to Kripke , name is rigid designator , which is a label to discriminate the cross-world individual .
For another thing , Kripke 's natural kind names belong to different syntax and semantic types , and it is not appropriate to put all of them into one model just like that of proper names .
Kripke suggests that normative meaning makes rule-following possible . However , we will discuss the relation between rule and meaning in the perspective that rules in language-game make the uses of words , namely meaning possible .
Kripke 's demonstration on the priori and contingent propositions and the posteriori and necessary propositions is consistent with his system of theory , but we think the demonstration is inadequate that he made for the rigidly designating terms .
The dissertation holds that natural kind has its essence indeed , that is , the internal structure all its members share , supports the above opinion of Kripke and Putnam , and gives a strong justification for it .