
  1. 元朝是中国历史上的一个重要朝代,其海外政策同唐宋相比,更具有开放性。

    The Yuan Dynasty was an important period in China , comparing with the policy of The Tang and Song Dynasty , its overseas policy was more opening .

  2. 元朝特殊的历史文化背景,又使得其机构庞杂散乱,正是这一建制的混杂,为宫廷画家在艺术上提供了相对自由的发展空间。

    The special historical and cultural background of Yuan Dynasty makes its organization numerous and jumbled . It is just the complicated framework that provides a relatively free art development space for the imperial artists .

  3. 元朝是中国古代历史上第一个由少数民族建立的统一的中央王朝。

    Yuan Dynasty was first established by the minority unified central dynasty in ancient China .

  4. 元朝统一中国的历史意义:元朝的统一,结束了辽、宋、夏、金等政权长期并立的局面,从而奠定了元、明、清600多年的长期统一的基础。

    The importance that Yuan united China : That Yuan united the country ended the situation that Song , Xia and Jin 's co-existence and laid a foundation for Yuan , Ming and Qing dyasties long-term unification of more than 600 years .