
  • 网络Pseudomembrane;false membrane
  1. 方法采用酶消化法从假膜组织中分离细胞,应用免疫磁珠法将细胞分离成CD14+和CD14-细胞并在各种条件下分别培养。

    Methods Cells were isolated from pseudomembrane around failing prosthesis by enzyme digestion and then separated into CD14 + and CD14-cells by immunomagnetic bead separation .

  2. 颊脂垫表面于修复后第1天即被一层假膜覆盖,1周后假膜逐渐消失,2周后假膜完全消失,表面呈深红色;

    There was a layer of pseudomembrane in the surface of buccal fat pad in the first day after operation . The pseudomembrane disappeared gradually one week after operation and disappeared completely after two weeks .

  3. 假体周围假膜细胞胞浆的紫色染色为TRAP阳性细胞。

    TRAP + cells in the periprosthetic membrane were detected by the presence of dark purple staining granules in the cytoplasm . 7 .

  4. C组肠粘膜完全缺失,肠壁表层覆盖着一层由大量纤维素、炎性细胞、坏死组织构成的假膜。

    In the samples of group C , there was a totally depletion of mucosa and there was a layer of false membrane constituted of cellulose , inflammatory cells and necrosis tissues over the intestinal wall .

  5. 假膜见大量中性粒细胞左边覆盖的假膜有很多的炎症细胞,主要是中性粒细胞。

    At higher magnification , the overlying eudomembrane at the left has numerous inflammatory cells , mainly neutrophils .

  6. 在喉咙通道形成假膜致使呼吸困难。

    Marked by the formation of a false membrane in the throat and other air passages causing difficulty in breathing .

  7. 回肠假膜性炎。黄绿色的渗出物覆盖了大部分的黏膜。

    This is another example of pseudomembranous inflammation , this time in the ileum . A greenish-yellow exudate covers most of the mucosal surface .