
  • 网络information organization;organization of information;RHIO
  1. 基于Web信息组织的复杂性:价值评价体系

    Value Evaluating system Based on Complexity of the Web Information Organization

  2. 基于XML的信息组织与处理:2.应用技术

    XML-based Information Organization and Processing : 2 . Applied Technologies

  3. 基于Internet的信息组织研究

    Research on the Organization of Internet Information

  4. DSS信息组织技术的现状与未来

    Present and Future Technique of Information Organization in Decision Support Systems

  5. GUI应用程序中的树提供了一种直观的数据导航方式,它将信息组织到一个分层结构中。

    Trees in GUI applications provide an intuitive means of data navigation by organizing information in a hierarchical structure .

  6. 随着互联网的信息组织趋向于专业化以及Web信息的爆炸性增长,如何从信息海洋中获取所需的信息,已经成为Web信息应用的关键问题。

    With the Internet information organizations tend to be professional and the explosive growth of Web information , how to get required information from the ocean of information have become key issues in Web information application .

  7. CERNet上高校信息组织的一般原则

    General Principle of Organizing Information about Colleges and Universities on CERNet

  8. 文章首先给出一种基于SGML/XML进行结构化信息组织与Internet信息发布的模型,并重点讨论了实现该模型的两个关键问题:SGML/XML信息的获取与信息的Internet发布。

    This paper puts forward a model how to organize information and publish it on the Internet based on SGML / XML , then some key questions are discussed .

  9. 由于这种方式突破了传统的信息组织和使用的不足之处,因此基于这种方式构建MIS系统可整体提高系统的性能。

    Because this mode breaks through the shortcoming of traditional information organizing and using , building a MIS system based on this mode can improve system performance totally .

  10. 话题跟踪属于话题识别与跟踪(TDT)的一项子任务,是一种基于事件的信息组织技术。

    Topic Tracking has grown out of the Topic Detection and Tracking ( TDT ) .

  11. 通过对SEMANTICWEB的研究分析,Ontology作为语义网信息组织的语义支撑在语义网中起到核心的作用,它是实现语义网的关键技术。

    Through the research about Semantic Web , Ontology plays the core as the support of semantic organization of information in the Semantic Web , and it is key technologies to realize the semantic Semantic Web .

  12. 借鉴Ontology信息组织模式和信息抽取等相关技术,建立基于ontology的科技动态信息获取机制,实现科技动态信息的自动获取,以提高信息提供的效率和质量。

    With the help of technology such as ontology and information extraction , this paper form a new science and technology information monitoring mechanism based on ontology , which can automate the information monitoring process , and improve the efficiency and quality of service .

  13. 详细阐述了B2B与B2C环境下企业信息组织与集成模式,并以铁路集装箱物流为例介绍了电子商务的实际应用。

    The information organization and integration models under B2B and B2C environment were described in details . At last , as an example , the practical application of EC in containers logistics of railway was introduced .

  14. 基于主题地图的高校学科信息组织模式研究

    Studies on University Subject Information Organization Model Based on Topic Maps

  15. 可以把配置存储库中的连接信息组织成连接组。

    You can organize connection information into groups within a configuration repository .

  16. 基于知识协同的企业生产信息组织方法研究

    Research on organization model of enterprise production information based on knowledge-node collaboration

  17. 企业信息组织集成及其机制研究

    A Study of Enterprise Information Organization Integration and Its Mechanisms

  18. 微观层次信息组织模式沿革

    The Mode Development of Information Organization at Microcosmic Level

  19. 网络化对信息组织理论方法的影响

    Impact from Internet on the Way of Organizing Information

  20. 物流空间信息组织体系的构架研究

    A Study on Architecture of Logistics Spatial Information System

  21. 创新图书馆信息组织体系的战略思考

    Strategically Thinking about Innovations in Library Information Organization System

  22. 网络信息组织方法研究综述

    Methodology of Web Information Organization : A Summary

  23. 我们迫切需要更加有效的信息组织、总结和分析技术,而信息的自动摘要和自动查询则是其中的关键。

    The key of the research is the automatic summarization and inquiry of information .

  24. 创新取决于良好的信息组织。

    Fostering innovation requires good organization of information .

  25. 面向个性化服务的信息组织本体模式

    An Ontology-based Information Organizing Model for Personalized Service

  26. 时尚品牌的传播是将艺术形式与科学方法结合在一起的信息组织工程。

    Fashion Brand Communication is an information organization which combines artistic forms with scientific methods .

  27. 多视角信息组织模式研究

    Research on Information Organization Modes from Multi-angle

  28. 基于本体的产品信息组织与系统实现

    Ontology-based Product Information Organization and System Implementation

  29. 信息组织模式的突变与公共图书馆定位分析

    The Analysis of the Sudden Change of Information Organization Model and the Social Orientation Public Library

  30. 主题网关是当前网络学术信息组织与开发利用的有效手段。

    Subject gateway is a functional method to organize and develop academic information on the Internet .