
bǎo lù yùn dòng
  • Railway Protection Movement;the Railway Project Crisis
保路运动[bǎo lù yùn dòng]
  1. 川籍留日学生与四川保路运动

    Sichuan Students Studying in Japan and the Movement of Protecting Railways

  2. 湖南保路运动研究(1904-1911)

    Research on the Movement to Protect Railway-rights in Hunan ( 1904-1911 )

  3. 四川保路运动是武昌起义和辛亥革命的导火索,率先开启了近现代中国波澜壮阔的历史画卷。

    Protection Movement in Sichuan is the Wuchang Uprising and the fuse of revolution , opened the first modern Chinese history magnificent .

  4. 四川的保路运动有广泛的群众基础和舆论宣传,有较为严密的组织,湖北则在这些方面弱于四川。

    The campaign of road protection in Sichuan had the ba sis of broad masses , propaganda of public opinions and strict organization while that in Hubei was weaker than that in Sichuan .

  5. 在清政府对路款的处理办法上,政府官员对保路运动的影响上,以及保路运动的领导层对保路运动的态度上,四川、湖北两省都表现了各自的特点。

    The defending-railway campaigns in Sichuan and Hubei have their own features in the methods of solving monies by the Qing government , the influences of the government officials upon the campaigns and the attitudes of the campaign leading groups towards the defending-railway campaigns .