  • urge (sb.) to eat or drink yòushí, yòushāng
  • 相助。

  • 在筵席旁助兴,劝人吃喝:~食。~饮。~觞。

  • 报答。

  • 古同“宥”,宽赦。

  1. 其中一通连线中,孔侑假扮KFN的编剧捉弄听众。

    During one call , Ggong teased the listener pretending to be KFN 's scenarist .

  2. 所以在Tearliner唱歌的时候,编剧为孔侑搜索歌词。

    Therefore , while Tearliner sings , scenarist will search a song lyrics for Ggong .

  3. 今天是「孔侑20时」开播200天的日子。

    Today is the200th day of Ggong's20s .

  4. 侑持续的谈论著他的内容

    Ggong continued on with his comment

  5. 曾经罘屑于银耳汤,曾经心里侑过红枣。

    Once disdained in the tremella fuciformis soup , had urged the red jujube at heart .

  6. 惟侑嗳能唤醒嗳。

    Love alone can waken love .

  7. 就是这样,「孔侑20时」让我成为一个有所为的人。

    With this , Ggong's20s makes me become a person who is able to do something .

  8. 他去年已经完成服役,曾经与孔侑在军队里共渡过一段时间。

    He already completed his MS last year and had stayed with Ggong at the camp .

  9. 孔侑向所有「孔侑20时」的听众表达了谢意,感谢听众从开播的第一天起一直陪伴著他。

    Ggong expressed his thanks to all Ggong's20s listeners because they were with him since the very first day of the show .

  10. 今天将会有很多听众通过电话与孔侑连线,他们每个人都会有一分钟的时间。

    There will be many listeners connecting through the phone this evening , and each of them will have only ONE minute to talk .