
ɡū jì lǐ lùn
  • estimation theory
  1. 多维AR(p)模型的估计理论及应用

    Estimation Theory of Multivariate AR ( p ) Models and Its Application

  2. 基于Kalman滤波的白噪声估计理论的推广

    A Generalization of White Noise Estimation Theory Based on Kalman Filtering

  3. NA相依样本部分线性模型估计理论

    Estimation theory in partly linear regression models under NA dependent samples

  4. OFDM系统多径时延及信道估计理论研究和算法实现

    Theoretical Research and Algorithm Realization of Delay Spread Estimation and Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems

  5. PA相依样本的部分线性EV模型的估计理论

    Estimation Theory in Partly Linear EV Models for PA Data

  6. 应用核密度估计理论构造了单变量多阶非参数模型NP(p)。

    In this paper , a kind of nonparametric model based on the kernel density estimation theories is constructed for time series of single variable .

  7. 最后分析了MeanShift算法的基本思想和密度估计理论,并成功地应用MeanShift算法计算跟踪动态目标。

    In the final , it analysis the basic thoughts of the Mean Shift algorithm and the density estimation theory , and successful application the Shift algorithm to tracking dynamic target .

  8. 提出了一种新的基于最大似然(ML)估计理论的OFDM整数倍频偏估计方法。

    A novel method for integer frequency offset estimation of OFDM systems was derived , which was based on maximum likelihood ( ML ) technique .

  9. 简要介绍了抗差估计理论;在顾及扰动异常的情况下,把自适应抗差Kalman滤波应用到联邦滤波上,对联邦滤波进行了改进,提出了一种自适应抗差联邦滤波算法。

    After a brief review of robust estimator in this paper , a adaptive robust kalman filtering and a federated filtering based on it are presented .

  10. 以alpha稳定分布的线性理论和参数的最大似然估计理论为基础,发展形成了线性滤波和非线性滤波两大类算法。

    Two kinds of filtering algorithms based on the linear theory of alpha-stable distribution and the theory of maximum likelihood estimation are developed respectively .

  11. 频域分析是各种动态信号处理的重要内容。本文基于Fourier分析和时序分析的极大熵谱估计理论,提出一种可用于诊断频域特征变化的时域特征参数。

    Based on the maximum entropy spectrum theory of the time series analysis and the Fourier analysis , a time domain parameter for the diagnosis of frequency variation is proposed .

  12. VALUE-AT-RISK的核估计理论

    The kernel estimation of value-at-risk : theory

  13. 通过对AR模型谱估计理论的研究,提出了用AR模型谱估计对流量信号进行处理和分析,然后计算出流量信号的频率,最后换算成流量值的方法。

    According to the theory , the method that processes and analyzes flow signal and calculates the frequency of it and converts the frequency to flow is brought forward .

  14. 通过研究核密度估计理论,提出了一种适应估计金融时间序列分布的Laplace核密度函数。

    After studying the theory of kernel density , propose a kind of Laplace Kernel Function , which adapts estimating the distribution of finance time series .

  15. 在经典Kalman滤波估计理论的基础上,利用最优线性融合理论,分别给出了集中式Kalman滤波及各种分散式Kalman滤波的算法,并分析了各种算法的优缺点。

    Use the traditional Kalman filter algorithm and optimal linear fusion theory to export the centralized and the decentralized algorithm , then , analyze the strongpoint and the defect of various structures .

  16. 交互式多模型(IMM)是混合估计理论中比较优越的算法。

    Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm ( IMM ) has been demonstrated to be the most cost-effective algorithm in hybrid estimation .

  17. 应用向量积计算及先验估计理论和技巧,得到最佳的L2误差估计。

    Using the calculation of the vecter product , and the theory and technique of prior estimates , then the optimal order error estimates in L2 are obtained .

  18. 从材料的SN曲线与构件的SN曲线形状相似原理出发,结合Bayes估计理论和加速寿命试验理论,提出一个估计构件疲劳极限的极小样本方法。

    A minimum sample method is given to determine the fatigue limits of structural components based on Bayes estimation theory , the accelerated life testing theory and the similarity of S & N curve between material and components .

  19. 采用极小值原理设计了线性二次型高斯状态反馈控制器(LQG),并基于最优估计理论设计了连续Kalman滤波器。

    With resort to the minimum principle , a LQG state feedback controller is obtained . In addition , a continuous Kalman filter is designed based on the optimal estimation theory .

  20. 在现有提取极化干涉相位的技术中,由空间谱估计理论发展而来的,利用MUSIC、TLS-ESPRIT算法获取干涉相位信息的方法正逐步完善起来。

    Among known methods of extracting interferometric phase , some methods that are developed from spatial spectrum estimation and extracting interferometric phase by MUSIC or TLS-ESPRIT algorithm have been becoming more perfect .

  21. 基于广义随机系统的三种典范型,应用Kalman滤波和白噪声估计理论,分别提出了广义系统的三种降阶Kalman状态估值器和Wiener状态估值器。

    Based on three canonical forms of descriptor stochastic systems , applying the Kalman filtering and white noise estimation theory , the three reduced-order Kalman state estimators and Wiener state estimators of descriptor systems are presented respectively .

  22. 该文将最小信息损失(MIL)状态估计理论应用到拓扑错误辨识中,提出了具有严格数学基础的MIL拓扑检错新方法。

    In the paper , a novel minimum information loss ( MIL ) based method with rigorous mathematic foundation for topology error identification is presented .

  23. 在实现无控制DEM匹配基础上,针对匹配应用中表面差异探测需要,应用稳健估计理论进行差异探测研究和试验。

    After the realization of the 3D surface matching without control points , because the requirement of change detecting in surface matching , the research and test on deformation detection are carried out based on robust estimator .

  24. 本文结合参数估计理论和函数逼近论中的一些理论结果,提出了一种开环辨识Hammerstein模型的新方法。

    In this paper , a new method for open-loop identification of Hammerstein model is proposed by combining parameter estimation theory with some results in function approximation theory .

  25. 由于观测条件的变化,观测值方差将产生随机波动。本文根据Bayes估计理论,推导了线性模型待估参数的分布函数及观测值方差估计公式,并将其用于位移检验。

    Based on Bayes analysis theory , a Bayes statistical test method is proposed for deformation analysis , the distributive function of parameter to be estimated in linear model and the estimation formulae of variance are derived .

  26. 本文基于Kalman滤波器,推广并发展了Mendel的输入白噪声估值器,提出了相关噪声系统统一的和通用的白噪声估计理论。

    Based on the Kalman filter , a unified and general white noise estimation theory is presented for systems with correlated noises , and Mendel 's input white noise estimators are extended and developed .

  27. 对多传感器数据融合方法进行研究,以Bayes估计理论为基础得到了多传感器最优融合数据,并将它与其它方法得到的融合数据进行了比较。

    In this paper , study is made on the multisensor data fusion methods . The optimal fused data is given by Bayes estimation theory , and optimal fused results obtained by other methods are compared with it .

  28. 利用微分方程的先验估计理论和技巧,分别得到了椭圆型方程和抛物型方程的最优H1和L2误差估计。

    Using the theory and technique of a priori estimate of differential equation , the author obtains the optimal order error estimates in H1-norm and L2-norm of the elliptic equation and parabolic equations respectively .

  29. 根据鲁棒估计理论,采用一种基于广义M估计的自适应滤波器消除DSFH混合扩频系统中的部分带宽干扰,并推导了鲁棒自适应算法。

    According to robust estimator theory , an adaptive filter based on generalized M estimation was used to reject partial band interference in DS / FH hybrid communication system , and the robust adaptive algorithm was deduced .

  30. 介绍一种用于有机聚合物LED微弱电流的自动测量装置。装置将测量参数估计理论与T形负反馈电阻网络相接合以实现高准确度微弱电流自动测量。

    A new computer-controlled apparatus for weak current measurement of organic / polymer light-emitting diode ( LED ) is proposed , in which the estimation method of parameters combining with T-type negative feedback resistance network is used to realize , a high accuracy and automatic measurement of the weak current .