
  1. 伏波神崇拜是中国传统的民间信仰之一。

    The worship of Fubo God is one of the traditional folk beliefs in China .

  2. 伏波信仰是国家祭祀与地方秩序构建互动中的代表。

    The Fubo faith is one of the typical representatives of the interaction between national sacrifices and the construction of local public order .

  3. 伏波庙会活动是横县乃至岭南壮族民众民间信仰、宗教文化以及文化生活的反映,对国内外游客存在一定的吸引力。

    This fair shows the folk belief , religious culture and cultural activity of the Zhuang People in Heng County , even in the Lingnan .

  4. 历史上,伏波神是百越人所崇奉的神灵,主要流行于岭南的两广、海南等地。

    In our history , as a god worshipped by people of Baiyue , Fubo God was popular in the areas of Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan .

  5. 当地人:在我们桂林,有三座山特别出名,分别是叠彩山、伏波山和你刚才看到的象鼻山。

    Local : In Guilin , there are three very famous mountains : the Piled Festoon Hill , Fubo Hill and the Elephant Trunk Hill you just saw .

  6. 桂林的著名山峰有独秀峰、叠彩山、伏波山、象鼻山、七星山和骆驼山等。

    Of the hills of Guilin , the most famous are Solitary Beauty Peak , Folded Colours Hill , Elephant Trunk Hill , Seven Star Hill and Camel Hill .

  7. 通过对伏波信仰文化的研究,可以更好的理解岭南地区社会文化的发展及地区文化的独特性和多样性。

    Through the study on the culture of Fubo God belief , we can well understand the development of the social culture and its uniqueness and diversity in Lingnan area .

  8. 中区以漓江公园为中心,包括叠彩山、伏波山、象鼻山、榕湖和杉湖等景观。

    In the centre of the city is Li River Park near which are such scenic attractions as folded colours hill , Fubo hill , elephant trunk hill , banyan lake , fir lake and some others .

  9. 而民间传说伏波山则是因为汉代伏波将军马援曾于此山射箭退敌,削石试剑而得名。

    But folklore has it that the hill got its name because the Fubo General Ma Yuan of the Han Dynasty once shot arrows here to beat back the enemies and tested his sword by cutting rocks here .