
fú jī
  • ambush;waylay;bushwhack;ambuscade;still-hunt
伏击 [fú jī]
  • (1) [ambuscade;ambush]∶用伏兵突然袭击敌人

  • (2) [still-hunt]∶偷袭猎物,静悄悄地追逐猎物,尤指不用猎狗

伏击[fú jī]
  1. 两名士兵遭到恐怖分子伏击而死亡。

    Two soldiers were killed in a terrorist ambush .

  2. 一次伏击中一名警察中弹身亡。

    A policeman has been shot dead in an ambush .

  3. 游击队员在大桥附近伏击了他们。

    The guerrillas ambushed them near the bridge .

  4. 刚出首都,总统无人护卫的汽车就遭到了伏击。

    The President 's unescorted vehicle was ambushed just outside the capital

  5. 危地马拉军方说叛乱分子伏击打死了10名巡逻兵。

    The Guatemalan army says rebels ambushed and killed 10 patrolmen .

  6. 这次伏击行动被彻底搞砸了。

    The ambush attempt was completely bungled .

  7. 他们伏击入侵者。

    They ambushed the invaders .

  8. 他们遭到印度人的伏击。

    They were ambushed by the indians .

  9. 狮子主要属于伏击猎食者,所以一旦它们认为猎物已经发现它们,它们往往会放弃攻击。

    Lions are primarily ambushhunters , so when they feel their prey has spotted them , they usually give up on the hunt .

  10. 军车遭到伏击

    The military vehicles were ambushed .

  11. CNN全国记者:这名男子刚刚目睹持枪分子伏击了他的兄弟对谋杀了他。

    GARY TUCHMAN , CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT ( voice-over ): This man has just watched gunmen ambush his brother and murder him .

  12. 上周六,忠于GeorgeAthor的士兵在南部琼莱州伏击了南方士兵,造成20人死亡。

    Most accepted , though forces loyal to George Athor , allegedly ambushed southern soldiers in Jonglei state on Saturday , killing 20 .

  13. 它在上世纪90年代遭到了世嘉(Sega)推出的电玩游戏《刺猬索尼克》(SonictheHedgehog)的伏击,后来世嘉由于在梦工厂(Dreamcast)游戏机上的失败陷入危机,并将业务缩减至仅做游戏出版商。

    It was ambushed by Sega with Sonic the Hedgehog in the 1990s before Sega faltered with the failure of its Dreamcast console and retreated to being purely a games publisher .

  14. 公元前217年在汉尼拔伏击Flaminius领导的一支罗马军队的一次战斗。

    A battle in 217 BC in which Hannibal ambushed a Roman army led by Flaminius .

  15. 法昆多·卡布拉(FacundoCabral)是阿根廷最受尊敬的民谣歌手之一,在乘车前往危地马拉城机场的途中遭遇伏击。

    Facundo Cabral , one of Latin America 's most respected folk singers , was being driven to the airport in Guatemala City when his car was ambushed .

  16. 巡逻队七名队员在伏击中击毙。

    Seven members of a patrol were killed in an ambush .

  17. 这两人在一次伏击中中弹受伤。

    The two men were shot and wounded in an ambush .

  18. 你看到有圣经佬伏击我吗?

    Did you see which one of them Bible-Thumpers bushwhacked me ?

  19. 一天,我们遭到伏击,我受了重伤。

    One day we were ambushed . I was badly wounded .

  20. 他在上班的路上遭到了持枪者的伏击。

    He was ambushed by gunmen on his way to work .

  21. 乌瑟尔在加尔达伦被兽人的舰队伏击。

    Uther is ambushed by an orcish fleet at Caer Darrow .

  22. 牙买加黑人从山下的藏身之处伏击了英国军队。

    The Maroons ambushed the British military from their mountain hideaways .

  23. 十位战士就因此免受了敌人的伏击

    and the ten soldiers with his are saved from close-in ambush

  24. 害怕遭到伏击,警察不敢进入高度危险地区。

    Fear of ambush prevents the police from going to high-risk areas .

  25. 看来她是在上车途中被伏击的。

    Looks like she was ambushed on the way to her car .

  26. 但是保安人员对车队的伏击是肯定发生的。

    But ambushes of convoys of security men are certainly taking place .

  27. 游击队员们钻进树林,准备伏击敌人的增援部队。

    The guerillas dived into the woods to ambush the enemy reinforcements .

  28. 银月城的高精灵在奥特兰克平原被伏击。

    The Elves of Silvermoon are ambushed on the plains of Alterac .

  29. 比齐蒙戈将军,他们遭到了伏击。

    General bizimungu , they are driving into an ambush .

  30. 马上,伏击圈内到处响起了激烈的枪声。

    Immediately , the entire ambush squalled with automatic fire .