
  • 网络izu
  1. 神户和伊豆地震前动物异常行为的脉冲电场

    Pulsed electric field before Kobe and Izu earthquakes from seismically-induced anomalous animal behavior

  2. 2000年伊豆群岛震群应力加载率控制地震活动的证据

    Evidence from the AD 2000 Izu Islands earthquake swarm that stressing rate governs seismicity

  3. 伊豆海脊两侧顺时针流涡的若干观测证据整个流场基本上受顺时针旋转流所控制。

    The entire flow field is basically controlled by a clockwise rotary current .

  4. 此后,在伊豆岛观测到异常的地壳变形,8月底,火山与地震活动达到高潮。

    After the events , anomalous crustal deformation was observed around the islands .

  5. 2009年8月9日日本伊豆群岛地震矩张量解

    Quick moment tensor solution of the August 9 , 2009 Izu Islands , Japan earthquake

  6. 由于台风弗朗西斯科号临近,日本一座名为“伊豆大岛”的小岛正在进行当地居民的撤离工作。

    Residents of a small Japanese island are evacuating in the face of Typhoon Francisco .

  7. 日本伊豆半岛东北部地区与地壳运动有关的地磁变化

    Geomagnetic changes correlated with crustal movement in the north-eastern part of the Izu Peninsula , Japan

  8. 《冬日》是梶井基次郎在伊豆汤岛完成的第一篇作品。

    The Winter Sun is the first work written in the izu s yugasima by kajiimotojirou .

  9. 清泉一泓薄雾一缕&浅评《伊豆的舞女》的艺术特色

    An Expanse of Spring A Wisp of Mist & An Analysis of Characteristics of Dancer of Yi Dou

  10. 物哀之美&从《伊豆的舞女》看川端康成前期小说创作的审美意识

    The Beauty of Sadness to Creatures & See Chuan 's Early Aesthetic Consciousness through " The Dancing Girl in Iteo "

  11. 自行车比赛将在东京郊外的伊豆举行,赛场通常被称为赛道或赛车场。

    The cycling events are being held in a place known as a track or velodrome , outside of Tokyo in Izu .

  12. 她在1997年至2001年,在日本伊豆小熊博物馆工作,主要负责策划、展览及写作杂志。

    She worked in the Izu Teddy Bear Museum from1997to2001 , the main duty during the period were planning exhibition and editing Museum magazine .

  13. 在这里,他以物哀之笔,饱蘸伊豆风情写下了一个凄婉含蓄而又朦朦胧胧的青春爱情故事,其间无不渗透着日本古典的审美意蕴。

    Here with the tongue of sadness to creatures , he writes a tragic , hazy love story , which penetrates classical Japanese aesthetic implication .

  14. 两只熊猫所吃的竹子都来自日本伊豆大山中部,是非常少有的,这跟他们在中国所使用的竹子十分相似。

    The bears will be treated with rare bamboo from the central Japanese mountain of Izu that is similar to what they used to eat at home .

  15. 主要是由于黑潮大弯曲时在日本伊豆诸岛西侧伴随生成逆时针涡旋造成深层水的上涌所致。

    It is mainly due to the influence of the large cold water in the west side of Japan Izu islands generated by the meander of Kuroshio .

  16. 当前的地震预测还局限于震前几秒钟的预警。木村相信,新的地震将发生在伊豆群岛,震级9.0级。

    Current earthquake prediction is limited to a few seconds of warning.Kimura believes that the new earthquake will begin in the Izu Islands and will be a magnitude 9.0 .

  17. 个把钟头后,便到了与富士同属伊豆公园的著名箱根风景区,活火山的奇观首先呈现在眼前。

    After some hours we then arrived at the famous Hakone scenic area that together with Fuji belongs to Izu Park . The volcano 's wonders appeared prominently before our eyes .

  18. 1975年中国海城地震与1978年日本伊豆大岛琴海地震的前兆现象之比较:前兆现象中应力变化的可能效应

    " Comparison of precursory phenomena before the 1975 Haicheng ( china ) earthquake and the 1978 izu oshima kinkai ( japan ) earthquake : the possible effect of stress history on Precursory phenomena "

  19. 在伊豆半岛的温水水域,要不是看到它黑黑的眼睛,几乎辨认不出藏进软珊瑚躯干中的小虾虎鱼。

    If not for its round black eyes , a tiny fish called a goby would be nearly hidden on the trunk of a soft coral in the temperate waters of the Izu Peninsula .