
  1. 而在西村(WestVillage)的仙源(Kikkerland,美国一家品牌家居店——译注),她拿起一款月亮夜灯。

    And at Kikkerland , in the West Village , she picked out the Moon night light .

  2. “目光所及皆图画,步履所至尽仙源。”在爱情最纯粹的走婚胜地体验蜜月,绝对让新娘毕生难忘。

    Make a tour to the place full of love , and the bride will certainly remember such sweetness forever .

  3. 这里我们可以看到仙后座A源超新星的重元素残留物滚动到了星系中,与星际气体融为一团。

    Here we see heavy elements in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant blowing back into the galaxy and mingling with interstellar gases .

  4. 这家快闪餐厅将于7月29日在东京开业,餐厅的名字叫做“仙露”,源于梵文,意为永生。

    The pop-up dining experience is due to open in Tokyo on July 29 under the name Amrita , which stems from the Sanskrit word for immortality .