
  • 网络postpartum infection;puerperal infection;PNI
  1. 结论:胎膜早破会增加孕妇剖宫产率、产后感染率及新生儿窒息率。

    CONCLUSION : Premature rupture of fetal membrans increases the incidence of cesareans section , postpartum infection and neonatal asphyxia .

  2. 宫腔积血、产后感染剖宫产组高于阴道分娩组,而组织残留以阴道分娩组为高。对各型声像图特点进行了描述。

    The incidence of blood remains in the uterus and postpartum infection is higher in the caesarean birth group while the incidence of tissue remains is higher in the vaginal delivery group .

  3. 临床上未发现产时和产后感染,无产后出血。

    Neither clinical infection nor postpartum hemorrhage occurred .

  4. 妊娠高血压、静脉曲张、产后感染为主要诱发因素。

    Complications such as PIH , varicose veins and puerperal infection were main predisposing factors .

  5. 剖宫产后感染引起晚期产后出血切除子宫1例,占5.56%。

    Care was due to the late postparum hemorrhage caused by infection after caesarean section ( 5.56 % );

  6. 观察我院妇产科1976~1980年剖宫产后感染的167例,平均产后感染率为21.49%。

    Post cesarean section infection of 167 cases in our hospital-are reported . The average puerperal infection rate was 21.49 % .

  7. 母婴间宫内、分娩时及产后感染已成为当前及今后研究的重要问题。

    The transmission of HCV in uterus , during delivery or after delivery has became an important issue which deserves further exploration .

  8. 【结论】加强围产期保健,减少孕期、产时并发症及产后感染的发生是减少新生儿高胆红素血症的关键。

    (【 Conclusion 】) Strengthening health care of perinatal period , reducing the complications of pregnancy 、 intrapartum and postpartum are the key to lessen neonatal hyperbilirubinemia .

  9. 107例HIV阳性母亲,其中13例为输血感染,8例为产后输血感染,所生的8名子女均母乳喂养,其中3例感染HIV,则母乳传播HIV的率为37.5%(3/8)。

    Among 107 HIV positive mothers , there were 13 mother infected HIV by transfusion , and 8 women were transfused after post partum .

  10. 奶牛产后子宫感染与子宫免疫

    The Postpartum Cow Uterine Infection and Immune Function

  11. 子宫内膜炎是导致奶牛不孕症的生殖系统疾病之一。该病主要由分娩或产后子宫感染病原微生物引起。

    Endometritis is one of genital system diseases which induce infertilitas of cows and often caused when postpartum uterus infected by pathogenic microorganism .

  12. 婴儿会阴溃疡:产后巨细胞病毒感染的罕见临床表现

    Perineal ulcers in an infant : An unusual presentation of postnatal cytomegalovirus infection

  13. 剖宫产后子宫切口感染危险因素分析

    Risk factors of uterine incision infection after cesarean section

  14. 其主要并发症两组仍以产后出血及感染为主,但感染率前组(4.8%)明显的低于后组(42.9%),这可能与术前常规应用抗菌素有关。

    The main complications in both groups were postpartum hemorrhage and infection . That the infection rate of the anterior group ( 4.8 % ) was significantly lower than that of the posterior ( 42.7 % ) . It was probably related to the routine use of antibiotics .

  15. 并且杜绝了滞产,产后出血及产后感染。

    Prolonged labor , postpartum hemorrhage and infection may be eliminated .

  16. 奶牛子宫内膜炎是奶牛产后主要由于细菌感染而引起的常见产科疾病,可以导致繁殖障碍。

    Endometritis that is caused by the bateria infection has been disease frequently occurred during the early postpartum period in dairy cattle , which can result in reproduction obstruction .

  17. 四个主要的死因包括严重的大出血(大多数是产后出血)、感染(大多数是败血症)、妊娠高血压(通常是子痫)和难产。

    The four major killers are : severe bleeding ( mostly bleeding postpartum ), infections ( also mostly soon after delivery ), hypertensive disorders in pregnancy ( eclampsia ) and obstructed labour .

  18. 产后抑郁症恼人的产后便秘妇产科感染率最高;

    The department of gynaecology and obstetric had the highest nosocomial infection rate ;

  19. 血肿组产后出血、产后尿潴留、产后会阴切口感染与对照组相比有差异。

    There was difference between hematoma group and control group in incidences of postpartum bleeding , urine retention , and incisional wound infection of perineum .