
chǎn yè ɡé mìnɡ
  • the Industrial Revolution
  1. 英国是产业革命的策源地。

    Britain was where the industrial revolution started .

  2. 以工业化为标志的产业革命,同时产生了劳动问题,劳动问题的实质就是劳资关系问题。

    The Industrial Revolution represented by industrialization produced the labor issues .

  3. IPTV预示着一场由技术演变的产业革命的到来,昭示着一个无限广阔的电子互动娱乐市场的启动。

    IPTV indicate the coming of industry revolution developed from technology , and indicate the initiation of an infinite wide electronic interactive entertainment market .

  4. OPC技术作为世界工控行业的新标准,为新的IT产业革命克服了诸多厂商之间的数据交换以及标准化应用接口设计的障碍,近年来取得了很大的发展。

    As new standard of Industrial Control field in the world , OPC technology overcomes such obstacles as data exchange among many manufacturers and standard application interface routine design , and makes great progress in recent years .

  5. 知识经济是近200年来的第四次产业革命推动的结果。

    Knowledge economy is the sequence of the fourth industry revolution .

  6. 全球性的技术变化与商务模式的创新&酝酿中的第四次产业革命

    Global Technological Change and Business Mode Innovation-The abuliding Fourth Industrial Revolution

  7. 生态化&第三次产业革命的实质与方向

    Ecological Balance & Nature and Direction of the Third Industrial Revolution

  8. 产业革命以来,全球性环境危机愈演愈烈。

    Since the industrial revolution , global environmental crisis is ever-intensifying .

  9. 从振动利用学科发展透视技术创新对产业革命的影响

    Influence of Technical Innovation on Industrial Revolution from Vibration Utilization Development

  10. 迎接21世纪超临界流体新技术的产业革命

    Meet the Industrial Revolution of 21st Century New Technology of Supercritical

  11. 高技术开发模式与产业革命的结构

    The Model of High Technology Development and The Structure of Industrial Revolution

  12. 市场革命与产业革命演变路径探析

    Probing on Developing Route of Market Revolution and Industrial Revolution

  13. 产业革命之后,养老问题从家庭走向社会。

    Industrial revolution , the pension problem from the family to society .

  14. 市场革命与产业革命是两个相互独立又相互支持的体系。

    Market revolution and industrial revolution is two independent and interacted system .

  15. 少数经历过产业革命的国家集团。

    The minority group of countries which have been through the industrial revolution .

  16. 纳米材料&引发下一次产业革命的新材料

    Nanophase Materials & New Materials Initiation Next Industrial Revolution

  17. 论美国第二次产业革命的条件及社会经济影响

    On the Second Industrial Revolution of America and Its Social and Economic Influence

  18. 论当代产业革命与企业文化变革

    Study on Up-to-date Industry Revolution and Enterprise Cultural Transformation

  19. 知识经济时代的新产业革命

    The New Industrial Revolution in the Age Division of Technology Affairs of Knowledge Economy

  20. 新产业革命中的世界化学工业

    World Chemical Industry in the New Industrial Revolution

  21. 世界进入20世纪70年代,第四次产业革命的爆发,更是开创了众多的新的金融业务、新的金融市场以及新的金融管理领域。

    Especially after 1970s , new financial instruments , markets and management methods sprang out .

  22. 运动控制技术是推动新的技术革命和新的产业革命的关键技术。

    Motion control is a key technology in promoting new product innovation and industrial revolution .

  23. 传统物流存在诸多弊端,面临一次产业革命。

    An industrial reform is needed in the traditional logistics where lots of shortcomings exist .

  24. 绿色化学及其引发的产业革命

    Industrial Revolution Caused by Green Chemistry

  25. 论信息产业革命

    On the Innovation of Information Industry

  26. 献技水泥产业革命&凝石技术将带来巨大的社会经济效益

    Give Skills to Cement Industry Revolution

  27. 第一大历史使命是普及,掀起一场产业革命;

    Universalization is the first history mission of the information technology that brings an industrial revolution .

  28. 国际金融危机正在催生新的科技革命和产业革命。

    The global financial crisis is hastening the birth of a new technological and industrial revolution .

  29. 绿色化学和新的产业革命

    Green chemistry and new industrial revolution

  30. 这是一场全新的产业革命,它推动着传媒产业的迅速发展。

    This is a new industrial revolution , which promoted the rapid development of the media industry .