
  • 网络Industrial investment;industry investment;Sector Investing
  1. 今年早些时候,奇瑞汽车有限公司(CheryAutomobileCo.)获得了鼎晖投资(CDHInvestments)和渤海产业投资基金管理公司(BohaiIndustrialInvestmentFundManagementCo.)管理的人民币计价私募基金的投资。

    Earlier this year , Chery Automobile Co. secured backing from yuan-denominated private equity funds managed by CDH Investments and Bohai Industrial Investment Fund Management Co.

  2. 当拥有一定财富时,人们不再满足于银行储蓄、债券等保守型投资,而将目光转向股票、外汇等风险型投资,同时随着中国进入WTO,投资者也可以选择海外产业投资。

    When having a certain wealth , people are no longer satisfied in bank savings , bonds and other conservative investments , while turning to the stock and foreign exchange risk investment , as China entered the WTO , investors can choose to overseas industrial investment .

  3. 五年之后,21世纪福克斯集团便将手头所持有的星空传媒大部分股份出售给了中国华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital)。

    And five years later , 21st century fox ( Fox ) sold its controlling stake in Star China to China media capital .

  4. 上海文广新闻传媒集团(SMG)前总裁黎瑞刚执掌了华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital,简称CMC),后者是一家投资于太平洋两岸内容的机构。

    Li Ruigang , former president of Shanghai Media Group , is heading China Media Capital , a vehicle to invest in content on both sides of the Pacific .

  5. 德国产业投资银行(ikb)是较早的牺牲品。

    The German bank IKB was an early victim .

  6. 分析了影响产业投资基金的七个因素-首次股票公开上市发行(IPO)、劳动力市场刚性、财务报表标准、养老基金、宏观经济变化、政府政策和税收政策;

    It analyses the seven factors that influence the venture capital-IPO , labor market rigidities , financial reporting standards , pension funds , macroeconomics variables , government programs and capital gain tax .

  7. 另外两家投资者抵押品管理公司aca与之后倒闭的德国产业投资银行(ikb)则进行了做多操作。

    Two other investors took the opposite side of the trade ACA , a collateral manager , and IKB , the German bank that subsequently collapsed .

  8. 这是通过调整投资工具的结构合法实现的没人指责过德国产业投资银行或sachsenlb违反监管规定。

    This was legally achieved through the structuring of the investment vehicles - no one has accused IKB or Sachsen lb of breaching the regulation .

  9. 去年,华人文化产业投资基金宣布,计划与华纳兄弟和全球广告巨头WPP等企业共同创立一个“全球内容投资基金”。

    Last year , China Media Capital announced plans to create a " global content investment fund " with Warner Bros. and the global advertising giant WPP , among others .

  10. sachsenlb和德国产业投资银行或许只是小型金融机构,但它们出现的问题,以及德国央行面临的尴尬已远远蔓延到德国以外的地区。

    Sachsen LB and IKB may have been small players but the impact of their downfall and the embarrassment faced by the Bundesbank has spread far beyond Germany .

  11. 通用汽车在其声明中表示,该公司也已同意与在布鲁塞尔上市的产业投资集团rhj国际“继续商谈细节”。

    In its statement , GM said it had also " agreed to continue details talks " with RHJ international , the brussels-listed industrial investment group .

  12. 而在美国的金融市场成熟的国家的金融工具&房地产产业投资基金(简称REITs)对于我国来说还是一种新型的投资工具。

    In the United States and other state with mature financial markets , there is a financial instrument - Real Estate Investment Trusts ( REITs ) . But it is a new type of investment instrument to our country .

  13. 这是否公正地描述出德国金融业目前的状况呢?或许。此前有新闻披露,德国各银行将出手拯救蒙受惨重投资损失的专业贷款机构&德国产业投资银行(IKB)。

    Is this a fair description of the current state of Teutonic finance , following the news that German banks are to rescue IKB , a specialised lender , from its disastrous investment losses ?

  14. REITs是一种产业投资基金的集合投资产品,它具有税收优惠、专业化管理、所有权和经营权相分离、投资门槛低、有限的投资风险、稳定的投资回报等方面的优势。

    REITs is a collection investment products of industrial investment funds . It has the unique advantage in tax incentives , professional management , separation of ownership and management rights , high liquidity , low investment threshold , limited investment risk , stable investment returns .

  15. 重庆市产业投资结构分析及优化研究

    The Analyse and Optimizing Research on Industrial Investment Structure of Chongqing

  16. 产业投资规模基于期权观点的优化

    Control and Optimization on Industrial Investment Scale Based on Options Viewpoint

  17. 入世对湖北省产业投资环境的影响

    The influence of joining WTO has onthe Hubei industrial investment climate

  18. 我国旅游产业投资基金投资项目价值评估研究

    Studies on the Evaluation of the Tourism Industrial Investment Fund Porject

  19. 第二部分讲述体育产业投资基金。

    The second part is about the sports industry investment fund .

  20. 有线电视网络产业投资分析及实证研究

    Cable Television Net Industrial Investment Analysis , and Demonstrative Research

  21. 银川市房地产业投资环境评价

    The Assessment on Investment Environment of Real Estate in Yinchuan

  22. 区域产业投资与环保投资的协调优化模型及其试用

    An Optimizing Model for the Investment Balance between Industries and Environment Protection

  23. 中国饭店产业投资增长的经济因素与影响分析

    Analysis of the Economic Factors and Effects of China Hospitality Industrial Investment

  24. 产业投资基金正是适合高技术产业发展需求的工具。

    Industry Investment Fund is suitable for high-tech industry development .

  25. 中国三次产业投资的动态结构效益研究

    Research on dynamic structural efficiency of three industries in China

  26. VSC-IOD模型与黑龙江省产业投资研究

    VSC-IOD Model and the Research of Industrial Investment of Heilongjiang

  27. 欠发达地区房地产产业投资基金设计

    Investment Funds Design of Real Estate in Low Developed Area

  28. 西部大开发与产业投资基金

    The great developing of west china and property invest fund

  29. 中国载人航天产业投资与经济增长的关联度

    The Relevancy between Input of Chinese Manned Space Industry and Economic Growth

  30. 引导金融介人,建立银行业对文化产业投资的信贷机制;

    The third measure is to introduce financial credit mechanism from banks .