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  1. 毒液由成熟雌蜂的毒腺或酸腺所分泌,并贮于毒囊中。

    Venoms are excreted by the poison gland or acid gland of mature female wasps and stored in reservoir .

  2. 部分归因于毒油漆和毒牛奶的丑闻,监管部门的审查更严格了,偷工减料变少了。

    In part this is because scandals over toxic paint and poisoned milk have brought closer scrutiny from inspectors and hence less corner-cutting .

  3. 若能阐明p一防御素2对脓毒症肺组织中细胞凋亡影响及机理将有助于脓毒症发病机理的深入和新药的研发。

    It would be helpful to sepsis that clarifying the effect and mechanism of β - defensin 2 on the lungs .

  4. 对ICU危重病人常规检测PCT有助于脓毒症的早期诊断和合理治疗。

    Routine measurement of PCT is helpful to the early diagnosis and reasonable therapy of sepsis .

  5. 利用RT-PCR对NDV人工感染鸡最早可于攻毒后第2天从病鸡气管中检测到NDV,其次为泄殖腔和脾、肾。

    NDV could be detected by RT-PCR in the tracheas of the artificially infected chicken next day , then in the cloaca , spleen and kidney .

  6. A组和B组小鼠于攻毒前2周腹腔注射cpGODN和对照ODN(30μg/只)。

    A group and B group were treated once with CpG ODN or control ODN ( 30 μ g / mouse ) intraperitoneally 2 weeks before infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis .

  7. 小鼠于接毒后60h开始死亡,发病小鼠均出现典型的结膜炎,死亡率高达80%以上。

    The mouse began to die after inoculate the virus 60h , death rate is 80 % . Appearing typical conjunctivitis .

  8. 带毒母猪于带毒后171d产下9头仔猪,其中3头为死胎,6头为木乃伊。

    The sow which carried hog cholera field virus borned 9 piglets 171 days later . The 3 of 9 piglets were stillbirth , and the remainder were mummification .

  9. 通过感染后不同时间的动态病理学观察发现,肝细胞的损伤于攻毒后4到7天逐渐加重,以第6、7两天病变最为典型;

    The injures aggravated gradually from 4 to 7 days after inoculation and the pathological changes at 6 and 7 days are typical .

  10. 国内外对犬瘟热的预防仍然主要依赖于弱毒疫苗,而弱毒苗在使用过程中存在一些弊端,因此,犬瘟热病毒新型疫苗的研究迫在眉睫。

    The prevention of canine distemper is still mainly dependent on the attenuated vaccines all over the world . However , there are some drawbacks on the attenuated vaccines .

  11. 报道了把膜分离技术应用于肉毒发酵液的纯化.用孔径为0.65μm的微滤膜对发酵液进行除菌,除菌率达到100%;

    Botulinus toxin from a clostridium botulin fermentation broth was separated and purified by membrane filtration technology . To remove the bacteria from the fermentation broth , we chose a 0.65 μ m pore size microfiltration membrane , reaching a removal ratio of 100 % .

  12. [结论]此法具有简便、灵敏、省时的优点,可代替常规组织培养ELISA法应用于甲肝减毒活疫苗感染性滴度检测中。

    [ Conclusions ] This method is simple , sensitive and time - saving and may replace the cell culture ELISA for testing of liver attenuated HAV vaccine .

  13. Borrmann说,这种作用方式类似于使用减毒全疟原虫引发免疫应答的实验性疫苗。

    This mode of action is similar to experimental vaccines that use weakened , whole parasites to elicit an immune response , said Borrmann .

  14. 早熟种脱毒薯的平衡期早于未脱毒薯。

    The equilibrium stage of early maturing virus-free cultivars was earlier than that of the cultivars infected ;

  15. 在相同处理条件下,苜蓿对其他作物的化感作用强于其自毒效应。

    Under the same treatment , alfalfa allelopathic effect on other crops was stronger than its autotoxicity .

  16. 研究结果未能证实集束化调肠方案有助于改善脓毒症肠功能障碍患者的28天病死率。

    The results failed to confirm that cluster-based programs help to improve the 28-day mortality of sepsis patients with intestinal dysfunction .

  17. 他们驱赶着史书里记载的日行五百里的滇池神驹,往来于“蜀山毒道”的崇山峻岭间,与中亚、西亚和南亚进行着通商贸易。

    They drive away the history books , records , the500 line in the Dianchi Lake horse God , and from " Shushan drug Road " between the mountains and Central Asia , West Asia and South Asia with trade trade .

  18. 结论抑制NFκB活性有助于减轻烧伤脓毒症时肝脏的急性损害。

    Conclusion Inhibition of NF - κ B activity may attenuate acute liver injury in burn sepsis .

  19. 本研究为VIP应用于临床治疗脓毒症提供了新的实验依据和研究思路。

    This study provides new experimental evidence and research ideas for the use of VIP in clinical treatment of sepsis .

  20. 但是LPS同时表现出强烈的毒性反应(Shwartzman反应,热原性等),因此阻碍了它在临床上的应用,所以许多研究者一直致力于LPS的减毒研究。

    However , LPS also shows strong toxic reaction ( Shwartzman reaction , pyrogenic reaction , etc ) that hinders its clinical application . Many researchers have been committed to the toxicity attenuation of LPS .

  21. 文章通过试验找出能适合于花肝病分离毒生长和繁殖的胚,并检测了自制灭活苗对雏番鸭的保护作用。

    The isolated virus can reproduce in embryo of muscovy duck , and showed a weakening tendency of its virulent .

  22. 当一群人暴露于病毒或食物毒的时候,现代医学仅仅检测那些生病的人。

    When a group of people are exposed to a virus or food toxin , modern medicine examines only those who get sick .

  23. 疫苗研究的起始阶段着重于传统的减毒活疫苗和灭活疫苗,但多年的临床试验数据表明,其四价疫苗不足以同时提供针对四个血清型的保护性免疫应答。

    The initial stage of study mostly emphasize traditional sterile vaccines and attenuated live vaccines . Although traditional attenuated live vaccines have entered clinical trail for many years , but so much clinical data shows that the tetravalent vaccines can 't simultaneously afford protective immune responses against four serotypes .