
  • 网络ETHION;Diethion
  1. 报道了凤眼莲修复水溶液中乙硫磷、三氯杀螨醇和三氟氯氰菊酯的效果及主要机理。

    The effectiveness of the phytoremediation of ethion , dicofol and cyhalothrin by water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes Solms ) was studied .

  2. 最后,从大米中玉米实际样品中检测出甲基对硫磷、对硫磷、乙硫磷、氯氰菊酯和氰戊菊酯。

    At last , five pesticides ( parathion-methyl , parathion , ethion , cypermethrin and fenvalerate ) were determined in real cereal samples .

  3. 乙硫磷0.40ng/g.文中还就影响SPME萃取的诸因素及该法的可行性等作了探讨。

    Some factors influencing SPME extraction and feasibility of the method were also discussed .

  4. 用田间盆栽的方法研究了茶树通过根系吸收农药对茶叶中乐果、乙硫磷、三氯杀螨醇和三氟氯氰菊酯残留的影响。

    The effect of root uptake of pesticides by plant from soil on the pesticide residues in tea was investigated in field conditions .

  5. 采用气相色谱法,得出在10分钟内完全分离5种有机磷农药(甲胺磷、马拉硫磷、乐果、乙硫磷、水胺硫磷)的最佳色谱条件。

    The paper reports the best chromatographic condition for completely seperating five different organic phosphate pesticides ( methamidophos , malathion , dimethoate , ethion and isocarbophos ) within ten minutes by the method of three-factor-and-three-level orthogonal design test .

  6. 研究结果表明,在最佳优化工艺条件下,以丙腈为基准计算乙嘧硫磷的总收率为63.0%,原油含量为74.0%。

    The total yield of etrimfos was up to63.0 % with the purity of74 % based on the propionitrile , under the optimum reaction conditions .