
  • 网络Shoichiro Toyoda
  1. 丰田章一郎表示他记不起来这次会议了。

    Shoichiro Toyoda says he doesn 't recall the meeting .

  2. 丰田章一郎在谈到公司的管理团队时说,我们是人而不是神,并非十全十美。

    ' We are not gods , we are not infallible , 'says Shoichiro Toyoda , speaking of the company 's management team .

  3. 据一位知情人士说,丰田章一郎来这里不是为了表扬成绩,而是因为他对公司在该州的大量闲置产能感到担心。

    ' He didn 't come to Indiana to commend our accomplishments ; he came because he is concerned about lots of idle capacity we have in Indiana , 'the executive said .