
  • 网络Middle Age;middleage
  1. 如果我有想错过的时期的话,那么应该是中年期。

    If I was going to miss anything out , it was middle age .

  2. 新的发现显示,尽早选择健康的生活方式对中年期的记忆和认知功能有利,并且有可能预防老年罹患痴呆。

    The new findings suggest that making healthy lifestyle choices early on could benefit memory and cognitive function in middle age with the possibility of preventing dementia later in life .

  3. Fenton试剂降解中年期垃圾渗滤液的条件及动力学研究

    Condition and Dynamics Study on Degradation of Metaphase Landfill Leachate by Fenton Reagent

  4. 青中年期自发性脑干血肿的诊治

    The Diagnosis and Treatment of Spontaneous Hematoma of Brain Sterm in Youths

  5. 这也是很重要的,你要记住,增加保险费用后中年期。

    It is also important for you to bear in mind that the cost of term insurance increases after middle age .

  6. 但是这同时也是市场惯有的对进入中年期的公司能否继续焕发活泼生命力的多疑症。

    But it is also a symptom of mild paranoia about whether these firms can in their dotage still deliver perky growth .

  7. 如果你觉得21岁听起来有点晚,那就想想中国普通的无知农民们,他们都是直接从童年期跳跃至中年期,中间没有缓冲。

    If you think 21 sounds a bit late to start , just think about the average dumb Chinese peasant , who leaps straight from childhood to middle age with nothing in between .

  8. 我国大部分油气矿城正处于中年期,按现代产业结构优化理论,正好处于资源型城市产业结构调整和城市转型的最佳时期。

    Most of the cities in China are in their middle-aged period , which is in the optimum duration of industrial restructure of resources and transformation of the city in terms of the optimization theory of modern industrial structure .

  9. 在六臂辐射状水迷宫中,中年鼠学习期和记忆期的潜伏期和错误数均长(多)于青年鼠(雌鼠更明显)。

    In the RAWM , the latency and number of errors of the middle-aged mice were significantly longer or more than those of the young mice in both the learning and memory phases , and the cognitive impairment was mainly found in the females .