
  • 网络The China Syndrome
  1. 这个评价,虽然历经百年,如今依旧准确诊断出中国综合症的病因。

    That assessment , though after a hundred years , and now China is still an accurate diagnosis of the cause of SARS .

  2. 他因《拯救老虎》(1973)而获得了奥斯卡最佳男演员奖,因《中国综合症》和《失踪》得嘎纳最佳男演员奖。

    He won the Best Actor Oscar for Save the Tiger ( 1973 ) and the Cannes Best Actor award for " Syndrome " and " Missing " .

  3. 中国餐馆综合症是流行用语,指有些人声称的在进食了含增强鲜味的味精(monsodiumglutamate,或简称MSG)之后所产生的过敏或不良反应。味精被广泛用于食品加工,也被添加到许多亚洲菜肴中。

    Chinese restaurant syndrome is the popular slang for allergies or adverse reactions that some people claim they get after eating food containing the flavour-enhancer monsodium glutamate , or MSG , that is widely used in many processed foods and also added to many Asian dishes .

  4. 但是新的研究表明,所谓中国餐馆综合症实为子虚乌有,那只不过是一种城市传说而已。

    But new research suggests that the so-called Chinese restaurant syndrome is nothing more than urban legend .

  5. 第二部分研究指出居住在城镇的中国居民患有代谢综合症不同异常因素增加了冠心病,脑卒中和周围血管病的发生率。

    Second Our data indicate that Chinese people living in urban regions with abnormal parameters of MetS have increased risks for CHD , stroke , and PAD .