
  1. 美国在中国战区需要面对两个最主要的挑战。

    The United States confronted two fundamental challenges in the China theater .

  2. 史迪威:中国战区参谋长

    Steven , Chief of Staff in the Chinese War Zone

  3. 1942年3月,史迪威出任中国战区参谋长兼中缅印战区美军司令。

    In March 1942 , Stillwell was appointed as chief of staff in Chinese Battlefield as well as American Commander in Sino-Burma-Indian area and came to China .

  4. 当然,盟军中国战区最高长官,也是中国的领袖,蒋介石大元帅是极不情愿的接受了一个美国将军担任他参谋长的任命。

    Indeed , Chinese leader Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek , the Allied Supreme Commander , China Theater , accepted , though reluctantly , U.S.Army generals as his chiefs of staff .

  5. 1945年10月25日,中国战区台湾省对日受降典礼在台北举行,中国政府正式收复台湾。

    On October 25 , 1945 , the ceremony for accepting Japan 's surrender in Taiwan Province of the China War Theater was held in Taipei , and the Chinese government officially recovered Taiwan .

  6. 完成中段拦截最有难度的,中国把战区高空区域防御弄得像小孩游戏那么轻松。

    This is the most difficult one to accomplish and make Thaad look like child 's play .

  7. 你是否会料想有朝一日中国在反对战区导弹防御系统方面,会与俄罗斯共同采取更加实际、更加具体的措施?

    Does mean that someday China would like to adopt and to take more practical and specific measures to respond to TMD with Russia ?