
  1. 而这两个共同的话题也同样是随着中国与美国的社会发展而变化的。

    They also changed with the social development in USA and China .

  2. 克莱儿:我要你们两个共同研究这件事。

    Claire : Then I want you two to work together on this .

  3. 我们见过的“天赋”者都有两个共同特点

    All the naturals that we have seen , they share two traits .

  4. 这些政策都有两个共同点:

    These policies have two things in common .

  5. 尽管存在差异,但默克尔和萨科齐也有两个共同之处。

    For all their differences , Ms Merkel and Mr Sarkozy have two things in common .

  6. 真正的朋友有两个共同点:相容的个性和坚强的品格。

    Real friends have two things in common : a compatible personality and a strong-willed character .

  7. 帕拉蒂诺和奥唐奈至少有两个共同点:他们的竞争对手都受到共和党领袖的支持;

    Paladino and O'Donnell have at least two things : Their opponents were supported by Republican party leaders ;

  8. 选择的新闻网站具有两个共同特点,即具有权威性和客观性,覆盖区域和读者群比较全面。

    The news sites have two common characteristics , the authority and objectivity , more comprehensive coverage and readership .

  9. 新西兰、越南、秘鲁、日本和美国有两个共同之处。

    Here are two things that New Zealand , Vietnam , Peru , Japan and the US have in common .

  10. 近几年,一大批85后演员开始崛起。他们大多有两个共同点:工作狂、作品频出。

    Recent years have witnessed the rise of young actors and actresses born after 1985 , most of whom share two characteristics : workaholics with prolific outputs .

  11. 参议院麦凯恩指出了他和前总统布什之间有两个共同点:他们都是海军飞行员并且都曾被击落过。

    Senator McCain made note of the fact that he and President Bush had two things in common , both had been naval aviators and both had been shot down .

  12. 针对一些个人风险,两个共同的特点是潜在的灾难性代价,和对灾难性的后果只具有较低的“主观上”的概率估价,即缺乏坚实的事实基础。

    For some public risks , two common characteristics are a potential for catastrophic costs , and a low " subjective " probability lacking a solid actuarial basis of the catastrophic outcome .

  13. 但是调查还表明当理想伴侣有两个共同爱好时,一个月给各自两个独立的和朋友度过的时间也是很重要的。

    But while the ideal couple will share two hobbies , the study also revealed it 's important to keep some independence by having two separate nights out with friends a month .

  14. 这类业务有两个共同的特点:一是监控点量大面广,需要部署庞大的信息采集设施;二是距离遥远,需要迅速完成信息传递。

    Such operations have two common characteristics : First Large-volume control point , the need to deploy large information collection facilities is the long distance between the two , the need for expeditious completion of the transmission of information .

  15. 两个项目共同之处是,他们的规模都很小,并且RUP都可以提供一套严格而灵活的方法。

    The common thread of those projects is their small size and RUP 's ability to provide a rigorous and flexible methodology .

  16. 这两个组织共同发布的一个联合声明提供了计划的细节,可在ISO网站上查看。

    The details of the plan are given in a joint communiqu é by the two organizations which is available on the ISO Web site .

  17. Iverson的妻子在演出中跳舞,他们和两个孩子共同使用其中一节车厢。

    Iverson shares his train car with his wife - a dancer in the show and their two children .

  18. 频率成形脉冲是连续相位调制(CPM)信号解调所必需的调制参数,由脉冲形状和脉冲长度两个参数共同决定。

    Frequency-shaping pulse is one of the essential modulation parameters for the demodulation of Continuous Phase Modulation ( CPM ), and it is determined by the pulse shape and pulse length .

  19. 所需资金可以来自杠杆化的欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf),也可以来自欧洲央行(ecb),或者是两个机构共同出资,由前者承担损失风险,后者提供流动性。

    The resources needed could come from leveraging the European financial stability facility or from the European central bank or both , with the former taking on the risk of loss and the ECB offering liquidity .

  20. 更有趣的是,当且仅当OPV分子被两个氨基共同取代后,器件会出现负微分电阻效应。研究了双分子器件的电子输运性质。

    More interesting , negative differential resistance is only observed when the molecule modulated by two amino at the same time . Then , we investigate the transport properties of a bimolecular device .

  21. 进行了NP基因的序列分析,发现NP蛋白的C-末端氨基酸序列在不同基因型强弱毒之间有所不同,利用获得的单抗在NP蛋白C-末端上鉴定了两个具有共同核心基序的重叠表位。

    Sequence analysis of NP gene showed that there are some differences in amino acid sequence in the C-terminal of NP protein in the virulent and avirulent NDV strains from different genotypes . Two overlapped epitopes were identified by two MAbs and they have same core sequence .

  22. 结果说明儿童Stroop效应的产生是一个复杂过程,干扰效应是早期颜色识别和后期反应选择两个阶段共同作用的结果,而促进效应则发生在后期的反应选择阶段。

    These findings indicate that Stroop effect in children involves a complex process . The interference effect is the result of assembling the early stimuli evaluation stage and later response selection stage , while the facilitation effect may occur at the later stage for response selection .

  23. 他还是宁愿把他们两个之间共同承认的障碍谈一谈。

    He preferred to dwell upon the recognized barriers between them .

  24. 两个实验共同解答前两个问题。

    The former two questions will be answered by these two experiments together .

  25. 这两个参数共同定义了组件的界限。

    Together , the parameters define the bounds of the component in question .

  26. 在一个常规的开关里,两个导体共同组成一个电路。

    In a conventional switch two conductors come together to complete a circuit .

  27. 这两个战略共同构成我国区域发展的完整战略。

    These two strategies together constitute a complete strategy for regional development in China .

  28. 高新区正走向新时期两个文明共同繁荣的新社区

    Advancing Toward New Communities of the New Era Featuring Both Material and Cultural Prosperity

  29. 这两个男孩共同拥有那条船。

    The two boys owned the boat jointly .

  30. 认为要完善我国的公共听证制度,就应当从外部环境保障和自身制度设计两个方面共同着手,双管齐下。

    We should pay attention to both of external environment protection and system self design .