
  • 网络Governors of Tokyo
  1. 东京都知事小池百合子称,她正在推进这一计划,让中小学生能够现场观看残奥会,前提是家长和学校都支持。

    Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has said she is pressing ahead to allow school children to attend the Paralympics , as long as parents and schools are supportive .

  2. 这起纠纷在今年升级,至少在一定程度上是因为东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)发起行动,要从私人所有者手中买下这些岛屿。

    The dispute escalated this year after Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara started a campaign to buy them from their private owner .

  3. 对中国持公开批评态度的右翼东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)已经辞职,以成立一个新的政党,重返全国政坛。

    Shintaro Ishihara , the rightwing Tokyo governor and an outspoken critic of China , has resigned to form a new political party and return to national politics .

  4. 前东京都知事石原慎太郎(shintaroishihara)最近组建新政党,他说该党的宗旨是建立起“更强大、更强硬的日本”。

    Shintaro Ishihara , the former governor of Tokyo , recently unveiled a new political party which , he says , will help build a " stronger and tougher Japan " .

  5. 这些指控浮出水面之际,东京都知事舛添要一(YoichiMasuzoe)再次受到密切关注,他面临着不少质疑,包括在海外公务旅行时开销巨大,以及大量使用市政府的公车去自己的度假屋。

    The allegations have come to light amid renewed scrutiny of Tokyo 's governor , Yoichi Masuzoe , who faces questions over huge spending on official trips overseas and the heavy use of Tokyo metropolitan government vehicles to visit his holiday home .

  6. 东京都知事小池百合子敦促居民立即采取预防措施。

    Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike urged residents to start taking precautions immediately .

  7. 东京都知事小池百合子表示,目前形势相当严峻。

    Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike has said the current situation is quite grave .

  8. 东京都知事小池百合子表示,预计东京日感染人数将达1000人。

    Governor Yuriko Koike says daily infections in the city are expected to reach 1000 .

  9. 今年8月走马上任的东京都知事小池百合子此前要求对奥运开支进行审核。

    Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike , who took office in August , ordered a review of Olympic expenses .

  10. 石原慎太郎在成为一名右翼政客之前曾是一位小说家,他曾四度出任东京都知事,并常因富于争议的言论在新闻媒体上抛头露面。日本选民对他已经颇为熟悉。

    The former novelist turned rightwing politician , a four-term Tokyo governor who is often in the news for his controversial remarks , needs little introduction to Japanese voters .

  11. 国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫、国际残奥委会主席安德鲁·帕森斯、日本奥运大臣丸川珠代、东京都知事小池百合子、桥本等出席了五方在线会议。

    The five-party meeting was attended by IOC President Thomas Bach , IPC chief Andrew Parsons , Japan 's Olympic Minister Tamayo Marukawa , Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike , and Hashimoto .

  12. 东京都知事石原慎太郎上周因为指责他的城市幕后交易太多,而上了头条。他说日本体育官员,必须更加善于操纵国际奥委会的内部运作。

    Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara made headlines last week when he blamed his city 's failure on behind-the-scenes deals , saying Japanese sports officials must become more adept in maneuvering the inner workings of the International Olympic Committee .

  13. 桥本圣子证实,外国粉丝问题是和巴赫、国际残奥委会主席安德鲁·帕森斯、东京都知事小池百合子以及奥运担当大臣丸川珠代会谈的一个关键内容。

    She confirmed the subject of fans was a key part of the talks with Bach , the International Paralympic committee president , Andrew Parsons , the Tokyo governor , Yuriko Koike , and the Olympic minister , Tamayo Marukawa .

  14. 现年80岁的石原在担任东京都知事近14年期间的强有力领导和对政府官僚体制的抨击,使他拥有坚实的民意基础。他表示,趁我仍在世时希望最后一次为民服务。

    Mr Ishihara , 80 , whose strong leadership and criticism of government bureaucracy have won him a solid following during almost 14 years as Tokyo governor , said he wanted to be of service one last time , while I am still alive .

  15. 但这一事件似乎使现年80岁的石原慎太郎有兴趣作为日本政治改革的冷门代表人物登上国家政治舞台。为了在周日的竞选中角逐日本众议院席位,他已于上月辞去了东京都知事一职。

    The incident appears to have given the 80-year-old Mr Ishihara , who quit last month as Tokyo governor to run for a seat in the lower house of parliament in Sunday 's election , a taste for the national stage as the unlikely face of political change in Japan .