
  • 网络Real Estate Registration System;recording system
  1. 不动产登记制度的法律经济学分析

    Analysis of Legal Economics of the Registration System of Real Property

  2. 我国不动产登记制度若干问题研究

    Study of Seversal Problems of Our System of Real Registration

  3. 第&部分是不动产登记制度的基本理论。

    Part One : The basic theories of real property registration system .

  4. 现代不动产登记制度的主要功能

    The Major Function of Real Right Registration in Modern Society

  5. 中国不动产登记制度现代化研究

    Research on Real Estate Register System Modernization in China

  6. 不动产登记制度是一项重要的物权制度。

    Summary : Real estate registration is the important system of property law .

  7. 中国不动产登记制度的立法思考

    Research on the system of Estate Register in China

  8. 不动产登记制度作为一项重要的物权法制度,在物权法体系中具有重要的地位。

    As a basic system of the property law .

  9. 论我国的不动产登记制度

    On the Real Estate Registration System of Our Country

  10. 本文首先介绍了国内外不动产登记制度的历史沿革。

    This paper first introduces the historical evolution of the real property registration system .

  11. 不动产登记制度的理论基础。不动产登记的理论基础,即实质主义登记和形式主义登记。

    In part two , the basic theory of registration of the real property .

  12. 行政法视野下的我国不动产登记制度

    Our Country 's Real Estate Registration System from the Perspective of the Administrative Law

  13. 普通法系的不动产登记制度是英美国家确保本国不动产财产权转让信用秩序的重要制度。

    The credit assurance system of real property conveyancing is a focus subject of law .

  14. 不动产登记制度在物权法中占有重要的地位。

    The system of registration of real estate is of vital importance in property law .

  15. 登记审查制度是不动产登记制度的核心内容之一。

    Registration and examination system is one of core content of real estate registration system .

  16. 我国关于不动产登记制度的研究起步较晚,尚处于初级阶段。

    However the research of real estate registration is still in a primary stage in china .

  17. 世界各国存在几种不动产登记制度的立法体例。

    There exists a few institutional lawmaking styles of real estates register in the international community .

  18. 不动产登记制度的瑕疵救济模式作为该制度的重要组成部分,其具体设计直接取决于逻辑基础,即对不动产登记行为性质的理论界定。

    The remediation of registration system plays an important part of the registration system of real property .

  19. 第三节是我国不动产登记制度的具体内容。运用委托-代理理论探析林业资金违规问题

    Analyzing the Problem of Using the Forestry Investment against the Compulsory Direction by the Trust - agency Theory

  20. 我国不动产登记制度的历史悠久,但发展道路却崎岖坎坷。

    The real estate registration system in China has a long history , but its development road is rough .

  21. 该部分主要研究关于不动产登记制度的一般理论。即不动产登记的概念、特征,不动产登记制度的性质和不动产登记的功能。

    It discusses such basic theories as the concept , features , nature and function of the real estate registration .

  22. 因此,不动产登记制度对于国家及私人在经济生活中均有着重要的价值。

    In a word , realty registration is very important for both the states and the public in our daily life .

  23. 我国不动产登记制度的选择可以从不同视角进行衡量和分析。

    The choice of the registration system of the real property in our country can be studied and analyzed in different ways .

  24. 不动产登记制度的价值在于保护交易安全,最终保护的是私权,因登记是不动产公示的方式,因此具有推定权利正确、处分效力、善意保护等效力;

    The value of register system of real property is safeguarding business safety and safeguardes private right at last . It has two character .

  25. 在这章中,笔者结合我国不动产登记制度存在的诸多弊端,提出了健全不动产登记制度的几点建议。

    In this chapter , the author proposes several suggestions on perfecting the immovable property registration system with regard to the flaws of it .

  26. 登记审查制度作为整个不动产登记制度的核心内容,伴随着《物权法》的实施,引发各方学者研究探讨无数。

    The registration and examination system is the core content of the real estate registration system , after the Property Law enforcemented , causes each academic study .

  27. 具体而言,我们应完善不动产登记制度,完善财产评估制度,明确物业税的地方税地位,探索物业税征管的新方法。

    To be concrete , we have to improve the property registration system and property assessment system and define the position of local tax of property tax .

  28. 目前,我国物权立法已经提上了日程,因此,有必要就不动产登记制度从立法体系、登记机关、登记规则等方面提出改进意见,以期促进我国不动产物权立法的完善。

    At Present , Chinese law of product rights has been raised , so should raised the better advises in registration system of real estate and perfect it .

  29. 完善不动产登记制度对于维护不动产物权秩序,保障不动产交易安全和交易便捷具有重要意义。

    The perfect of real estate registration is important to the maintenance of the order of real estate , to the real estate transaction security and the covenience of transaction .

  30. 指出为了完善我国准不动产登记制度而建立预告登记制度的必要性及其相关理论。

    Besides , it puts forward the necessity and the relative theory of building forenotice register system in order to perfect the register system of Para Fixed Asset in our country .