
  1. 夏季联赛:23岁的CBA联赛MVP得主丁彦雨航的每次精彩表现都会点燃球迷的激情。

    New Summer League Legend : 23-year-old MVP of the CBA , Ding Yanyuhang . Fans are going wild every time he does literally anything .

  2. 丁彦雨航已经是CBA最好的球员之一了,小牛队希望他能成长为一名合格的NBA球员,事实上他也已经适应了球队新人团队了。

    Ding has become one of China 's best players and the Mavericks are hopeful he can grow into a solid NBA contributor . The fact that he fits in with the team 's youth movement helps , too