
  1. 税收和GDP工伤保险条例

    Tax Revenue and GDP Insurance Regulations regarding Industrial Injuries

  2. 实施《工伤保险条例》的难点及对策

    Difficulties and Countermeasures for the Implementation of Industrial Insurance Rules

  3. 工伤保险条例海损事故和塑性力学

    Insurance Regulations regarding Industrial Injuries AVERAGE ACCIDENT AND PLASTICITY

  4. 工伤保险条例的实施,对保障遭受工伤及职业病伤害的职工的合法权益具有重要的意义。

    The implementing of industrial injury insurance regulations has the important significance to prevent and the worker 's lawful rights and interests from industrial injury anti oceupalitional sickness .

  5. 但受其本身所存在的摸索试探保守立法倾向以及经济社会的深化发展,其弊端越来越明显,需要继续完善的呼声越来越高并进而推动了对《工伤保险条例》的修改。

    But influenced by its own model and deep development of economy and society , its shortcomings are becoming more and more obvious . There are increasing demands for continuous improvement and modification .

  6. 依据我国《工伤保险条例》,工伤是指职工在工作过程中因工作原因受到事故伤害或者职业病伤害。

    According to Regulations of occupational injury in effect , the industrial injury means a worker injured in an accident or occupational disease as a result of work during working hours and workplace .

  7. 2004年1月1日起实行的《工伤保险条例》(2003年4月27日公布),标志着工伤补偿机制转换过程已经正式进入了法制轨道。

    Regulation on Work Injury Insurance which became effective on January 1,2004 , ( promulgated by the State Council on April 27,2003 ), marked the process of workers ' compensation has officially entered the legal system .

  8. 不同职业、各类险种的人身意外险伤害保险的保险金额逐年提高,尤其是2011年国家颁布实施新工伤保险条例之后,加速推动了人身意外险保险金额的增长速度。

    Different careers , all kinds of personal accident insurance of insurance amount increased year by year . Especially New industrial injury insurance regulations were promulgated and implemented in 2011 , accelerating the personal accident insurance amount .

  9. 针对深入贯彻实施《工伤保险条例》的情况,提出了当前存在的难点有:工伤认定政策放宽带来的难点以及工伤保险与预防、康复存在事实上的脱节现象。

    There exist some hard points for the implementation of Industrial Insurance Rules , including hard points resulting from loose identifying policy for industrial injuries and the existing discrepancy between industrial insurance , industrial prevention and industrial recovery .

  10. 2003年国务院以行政法规的形式制定《工伤保险条例》,我国原工伤保险法律制度不足之处得到某种程度的克服。

    In 2003 the State Council administrative rules and regulations in order to formulate the form of industrial injury insurance regulations , the original industrial injury insurance of the legal system to be unsatisfactory to some extent overcome .

  11. 为此,本文以新《工伤保险条例》为研究对象,对我国工伤保险制度尚存的具体问题进行梳理,并将其中重要的问题予以分析,提出完善工伤保险制度的具体设想。

    Therefore , the paper has taken " Industrial Injury Insurance Regulation " as the an object to analyze and teased the concrete problems in Industrial Injury Insurance law system as well as brought the way to solve these problems .

  12. 2004年新颁布的《工伤保险条例》将农民工纳入了工伤保险的保障范围,之后国务院与劳动和社会保障部相继出台了一系列规范性文件,农民工工伤保险制度初具雏形。

    The Work-related Injury Insurance Regulations promulgated in 2004 listed migrant workers into the scope of protection , after which Central Government and Department of Labor and Social Security enacted their corresponding regulations successively . The system of migrant workers work-related injury insurance preliminarily takes shape .

  13. 对于我国而言,这个问题主要包括民法规定的死亡损害赔偿制度与《工伤保险条例》、《国家赔偿法》以及《医疗事故处理条例》等相关规定的关系。

    For our country , this issue mainly concern the includes the relationship between the death damage compensation under the civil law system and the " Work Injury Insurance Regulations ", " National Compensation Act " and " Regulations on Handling Medical Accidents " and other relevant provisions .

  14. 农民工遭遇工伤,应按《工伤保险条例》的规定享受企业职工同等的待遇。

    Peasant worker worker encounters inductrial injury , should press " byelaw of inductrial injury insurance " the regulation enjoys company worker equal pay .

  15. 我国工伤保险制度的突破与未来发展&《工伤保险条例》评析

    A Breakthrough and Future Development of Insurance of Injuries Suffered at Work in China

  16. 我国工伤保险制度20世纪50年代初建立,至今已有近60年的历史,经过这些年的发展,已经取得很大的成就,尤其是在《工伤保险条例》颁布以后。

    Work injury insurance system in China established in 50 years of the 20th century , and then nearly 60 years so far , it has made great achievements , especially after " Industrial Insurance Regulations " promulgated .