
  1. 随着中国劳动和社会保障部颁布《企业年金管理办法》和一系列配套政策,信托模式的企业年金制度正式确立,企业年金市场开始启动。

    As China Ministry of Labor & Social Security issued the " Interim Measures for the enterprise annuity ," and a series of supporting policies , the trust mode annuity system has formally established and enterprises annuity market has started .

  2. 并根据模拟的结果,对2004年5月1日开始实施的《企业年金试行办法》中缴费率的规定进行了讨论,为企业年金的发展和政策制定提供了建议。

    According to the result , the paper further discusses the contribution rate stated in the Testing Method of Occupational Pensions , which was implemented on May 1, 2005.The conclusions can contribute to the development of the Chinese occupational pensions and establishment of policy .

  3. 研究起草个人账户基金投资办法,修改完善企业年金基金管理试行办法。

    The investment method of individual account fund has been studied and drafted , and the Trial Method of Improving Enterprise Annuity Fund Management has been revised .

  4. 我国企业年金的管理模式根据《企业年金试行办法》分为两大类:法人受托模式和理事会受托模式。

    China 's management mode of Enterprise Annuity under " enterprise annuities pilot scheme " is divided into two major categories : Council entrusted with the fiduciary mode and corporate mode .