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  • 网络僵尸之地;僵尸乐园;尸乐园;僵尸领地
  1. Reese & Wernick are the writers behind the first two Deadpool blockbusters , and before that wrote Zombieland and its sequel , and 6 Underground , the action film that Michael Bay is directing .


  2. We were all orphans in Zombieland .


  3. Indeed ," Zombieland " ends in a theme park , with Woody Harrelson mowing down row after row of attackers , like any teenager with a Nintendo .


  4. With a sequel to Zombieland , a prequel to Night of the Living Dead and a new Walking Dead spin-off in the works , the zombie genre is showing no signs of dying out .


  5. The hero of " Zombieland ", a nerdish teen , makes the mistake of giving the neighbourhood prom queen shelter for the night , only to see her awake as a slobbering monster .


  6. The recently released " Zombieland ", one of the more successful versions , combined romance , the undead and comedy ( a romzomcom , in the jargon ), and garnered more than $ 85m in worldwide sales .
