zero result

美 [ˈzɪroʊ rɪˈzʌlt]英 [ˈzɪərəʊ rɪˈzʌlt]
  • 网络零结果
zero resultzero result
  1. It is discussed that zero result of Michelson interference experiment . The result does not prove light speed unconcerned with the speed of the light source motion .


  2. ( Also ,) we could change the FM index by adding zero behind the result of A / D converter .


  3. When the damped parameter tends to zero , the result in this paper is consistent with the non-damped case .


  4. In the microcosmic field , even if the transactions are zero , the result of resources distribution has something to do with the power ( right ) initial distribution .


  5. The solution shows that when the correlated matrix , the mean of noise , the control input , and the measurement error are all zero , the result in this paper reduces to be the standard algorithm discussed by reference .


  6. In Newtonian approximation and weak gravitational field , acceleration of a particle in a spherically symmetric and astatic gravitation field is zero . The result is obviously not in agreement with gravitational phenomena .


  7. Theoretical research on the influence of deflecting light path and absolute zero point on measuring result are carried out . Correlative preview experiment is designed to verify the influence .


  8. If the argument is zero , then the result will be-127 for a float and-1023 for a double .


  9. To realize that the torque could linear control by Iq , The conventional method is set excitation-current ( Id ) to zero , which would result in the max speed can not exceed the rated speed , and the torque output can not meet the demand of spindle motor .
