
  • 网络扎那米韦;乐感清;扎那米伟
  1. Zanamivir was synthesized with salic acid as starting material by enzymatic catalysis method .


  2. At this stage , there are no reports of resistance occurring to zanamivir in immunocompetent patients .


  3. The viruses , while resistant to oseltamivir , remain sensitive to zanamivir .


  4. Zanamivir remains a treatment option in symptomatic patients with severe or deteriorating illness due to oseltamivir-resistant virus .


  5. All other viruses have been shown sensitive to both oseltamivir and zanamivir .


  6. Zanamivir should be considered as the treatment of choice for patients who develop prolonged influenza illness despite treatment with oseltamivir .


  7. Patients who are at higher risk of severe or complicated influenza should be treated with oseltamivir or zanamivir as soon as possible .


  8. Zanamivir and oseltamivir bind differently at the neuraminidase catalytic site and this contributes to different drug resistance profiles .


  9. Many advanced countries stock up on oseltamivir and zanamivir , two varieties of the same class of drugs that stops the H5N1 virus from multiplying .


  10. Discuss whether the use of Tamiflu ( oseltamivir phosphate ) or Relenza ( zanamivir ) is appropriate for you .


  11. Growing international experience in the treatment of pandemic H1N1 virus infections underscores the importance of early treatment with the antiviral drugs , oseltamivir or zanamivir .


  12. The virus is sensitive to oseltamivir and zanamivir , but resistant to amantadine and rimantadine .


  13. They say zanamivir is as effective as oseltamivir , has fewer side effects , and that the bird flu virus is less likely to become resistant to it .


  14. The virus with this mutation remains sensitive to the antiviral drugs , oseltamivir and zanamivir , and studies show that currently available pandemic vaccines confer protection .


  15. At the start of the pandemic , data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( USA ) showed that the new virus was sensitive to oseltamivir and zanamivir .


  16. Laboratory testing on these swine influenza A ( H1N1 ) viruses so far indicate that they are susceptible ( sensitive ) to oseltamivir and zanamivir .


  17. Most swine influenza viruses have been susceptible to antiviral medications such as neuraminidase inhibitors ( oseltamivir and zanamivir ) .


  18. All of the resistant viruses carried the same H275Y mutation , indicating resistance to oseltamivir but susceptibility to the second antiviral drug , zanamivir .


  19. The recommended alternative to zanamivir in patients with laboratory evidence of influenza A , a negative test result , or no testing is the combination of oseltamivir plus rimantadine .


  20. GSK have added that all tested influenza virus subtypes have shown no resistance to zanamivir and that they have sufficient supplies for the2008-2009 flu season .


  21. There are four different antiviral drugs that are licensed for use in the US for the treatment of influenza : amantadine , rimantadine , oseltamivir and zanamivir .


  22. All of these viruses show the same H275Y mutation that confers resistance to the antiviral oseltamivir , but not to the antiviral zanamivir .


  23. In August , researchers suggested in The Lancet that H5N1 would be less likely to become resistant to zanamivir also called Relenza than to Tamiflu ( see Bird flu : in favour of contingency plans ) .


  24. There are two classes of such medicines , 1 ) adamantanes ( amantadine and remantadine ), and2 ) inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase ( oseltamivir and zanamivir ) .
