About the web development , we had a meeting while you were away ... Man : Yuh .
Woman : Yuh , well , not exactly .
Yuh see , I personally know my heart can be hard as a stone , and yet soft as water .
" W'y didn 't yuh go in an'get'im when yuh'ad'im ?" the young fellow asked .
Yuh said on Wednesday that before she made " Kung Fu Panda 2 , " she visited a panda base in southwest China 's Sichuan Province and held a baby panda which gave her lots of inspiration .
Raking in over half a billion dollars worldwide in 2011 , the Academy Award-nominated " Kung Fu Panda 2 ″ turned Jennifer Yuh Nelson into the highest-grossing female director of all time ( that title now belongs to Jennifer Lee , the co-director of last year 's " Frozen " )