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  1. Common side effects of Yaz Flex include nausea , depression , headache , breast pain and unscheduled bleeding .


  2. Yaz Flex comes in packs of 120 pills and women who use it continuously will have three periods a year .


  3. Yaz Flex is a new version of the existing monthly contraceptive pill Yaz and both contain a combination of hormones that over time help reduce acne .


  4. More than 80 per cent of women admit to forgetting to take their contraceptive pill at some stage and 31 per cent forget it once a month , according to a survey funded by Bayer , the drug company that makes Yaz .


  5. Ms Trevor , whose mother Dr Christine Read works for Bayer , said she had skipped periods on her old pill but Yaz Flex with its digital dispenser made it easier to keep track of where she was in her cycle .
