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  • 网络命名空间;名称空间;名字空间
  1. XMLNS domain & Added to provide support for XML namespaces .


  2. Xmlns : This special attribute is a required metadata element for all messages .


  3. XML namespaces are declared using the xmlns keyword .


  4. This example is compact , but imagine how hard it would be to find all the xmlns declarations in a large document


  5. I took out redundant xmlns for the same source and moved unique xmlns within the HTML tag .


  6. The xmlns : pms namespace declaration represents the namespace of your production-management system .


  7. To refer to and abbreviate the name of a namespace , again use xmlns declarations .


  8. When operating in a namespace aware manner , fields in the XMLNS domain of the logical tree are prefixed .


  9. If you have a lot of elements in one namespace , you can define this namespace as a default using the xmlns attribute .


  10. Experience shows it is safer to issue startPrefixMapping () and pass the xmlns declaration as a regular attribute as well .


  11. The xmlns prefix has been specified by the first Namespaces in XML Recommendation to not have an associated URI .


  12. The xmlns : xsd namespace declaration specifies the XML Schema namespace , which you need in order to use schema features in your BPEL file .


  13. This has many examples in the wild , such as HTML DOCTYPE , some uses of XMLNS , a version identifier inside your PDF document .


  14. For this reason , to establish prefix and URI mappings when operating in the XMLNS domain , you code ESQL statements to make these changes to the tree .


  15. You must declare all prefixes before using them , except xml and xmlns , which can be assumed to be in effect and unchanging throughout all XML documents .


  16. The XMLNS domain is considered a better practice for better performance and to avoid defining the layout of the dictionary either by hand or through the XML schema import ( or equivalent ) .


  17. When a software tool generates XML , it has to place namespace nodes ( xmlns declarations ) within the tree so that they are in effect where needed to qualify names .


  18. The part in bold type ( xmlns = " http : / / www.w3 . org / 1999 / xhtml ") is the namespace .


  19. That way , a namespace declaration like xmlns = " http : / / foo . com " can use the syntax of an attribute rather than a distinct syntax .


  20. Note that unlike xmlns , every namespace used must be declared and referred to by its prefix throughout the rest of the schema ; use of fully-qualified assertions not supported .


  21. The default namespace is http : / / www.w3 . org / 1999 / XMLSchema , whose xmlns declaration does not have a name .


  22. When dealing with XML messages on the wire , you have three methods available for the parsing and writing of XML messages : the XML domain , the XMLNS domain , and the MRM domain .


  23. Specifically , OpenPGP is used , along with a new namespace , http : / / xmlns . com / wot / 0.1 / , to denote web of trust concepts .


  24. Ryan Kelly ran into this problem and made a valiant attempt to create a jQuery plug-in , jquery . xmlns . js , for XML Namespace Selectors ( see Resources ) .


  25. The XMLNS domain should be used if you need to create a logical tree that conforms more closely to the XML infoset ( XPath ), or if you want to preserve in-line DTDs .


  26. Perhaps the first thing noticeably unique about this XHTML is the use of the xmlns : y = " urn : yahoo : srch " in the HTML tag This relates to the Yahoo search data instance .


  27. Xmlns : xui = " http : / / xml . bcit . ca / PurnamaProject / 2003 / xui " identifies another namespace and its accompanying prefix .


  28. Note that with the HTML doctypes , you don 't need the xmlns attribute on your html element . That 's specific to XHTML ( it 's an XML namespace , but that 's a subject for another article ) .


  29. Ensure that the MathML namespace is declared near the top of the document , most simply by having the namespace declaration xmlns : m = " http : / / www.w3 . org / 1998 / Math / MathML " on the html element .
