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美 [ˈziniə]英 [ˈziːnɪə]
  • n.静物画;(植)(胚乳)异粉性;(种子)直感,当代显性;(胚乳)异粉性
  1. Pollen xenia of ` GY115'had a significant effect of raising oil content on common maize , but common varieties had different response to the raising effect . The highest raising effect reached 54.8 % .


  2. " It seems that when you are born may increase or decrease your chance of developing certain mood disorders , " scientist Xenia Gonda told the Telegraph .


  3. Study on the Xenia Effect of High Oil Corn


  4. Effect of Xenia on Fruit Quality of Nectarine " May fire " Cultivar


  5. The Effect of Xenia on the Starch of Common Maize Kernal


  6. Effect of xenia on fruit quality of chestnut


  7. Utilizing Genetic Markers Mixing Pollen to Estimate Heterosis Value and Xenia Effect Value of High Oil Corn


  8. Study on xenia effect on trace elements of Siraitia grosvenorii


  9. The main conclusion as follows : ( 1 ) The high-oil trait have xenia effects like quality traits .


  10. Xenia effect of fat content in fruit , seed weight and other indicators alone was no significant difference . 2 .


  11. The same father and different female parent after pollination , found no consistent positive or negative effects to Xenia .


  12. There some difference of xenia between different varieties of chestnut pollen in the same female parent .


  13. That indicated the rice red character genetic had the testa and fruit-cavity xenia .


  14. At London 's Chatham House , U.S. policy analyst Xenia Dormandy said that was perceived around the world as weak .


  15. When carrying out reasonable intercropping in different genotypes maize , we should take into account other traits while using xenia effects , which would favor more increase in yield .


  16. Kernel weight and grain moisture concentration at harvest were influential because of xenia effects , and had universality , its effects had affinity with pedigree of varieties .


  17. It shows that the general with high chestnut varieties as male parent or female parent , their pollination and nut combination of the average node weight is higher , the xenia effect is more significant . 4 .


  18. Results showed that the pollen xenia had obvious effect on fruit setting rate , fruit weight , soluble solids content , titratable acidity and mature seeds . However , there was no obvious effect on fruit shape index and edible part of fruit .


  19. The xenia effect value of oil genes was 0.30 . ( 2 ) The yield and 1000 kernel weight of male sterile hybrids were 10.1 % and 5.8 % higher than that of corresponding fertile hybrids respectively , showing significant cytoplasmic effect .


  20. Chalkiness is an expression of the endosperm , xenia has been indicated in the hybrid seeds , F_2 segregation has been observed on the panicles pro - duced by the hybrid rice plants ( F_1 ) .
