
美 [ˈwɜːrldlinəs]英 [ˈwɜːldlinəs]
  • 网络世俗;世故;俗气;世界性


concern with worldly affairs to the neglect of spiritual needs
he disliked the worldliness of many bishops around him
the quality or character of being intellectually sophisticated and worldly through cultivation or experience or disillusionment
Synonym: sophistication mundaneness mundanity


  1. Aloofness and Empathy of the Doctor Evolution of Literature towards Worldliness


  2. An Analysis of Worldliness and Transcendence in ZHANG Ai-ling 's Prose


  3. Worldliness has important significance in the reconstruction of public realm .


  4. Once their public articles meant little for the worldliness , they would be happy to write novels .


  5. Evolution of Literature towards Worldliness


  6. Satan , sin , self , darkness , and worldliness predominate among all people on earth .


  7. Worldliness of administrative cultures ;


  8. Political nature , publicity , plurality , appearance , reality , eternity and other important features of worldliness have ontological connotation .


  9. According to the standard of worldliness , Arendt distinguished three key concepts in her theory of rebuilding public realm : labor , work and action .


  10. Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you , not a sign of weakness or worldliness .


  11. where ingredients like seaweed and pine sap are not tokens of acquired worldliness but occasions for nostalgia ;


  12. There is no more mistaken path to happiness than worldliness , revelry , and high life . & Arthur Schopenhauer


  13. Zhang Ailing despoiled love of its sacredness , and restored it to its original state of worldliness .


  14. Are you seeking day by day to live above worldliness , the pride of life , and the ensnaring vice of avarice ?


  15. And it is that conflict , as it were , between what we might call worldliness and innocence that is the core of Machiavelli 's moral code .


  16. She admired their worldliness and sophistication .


  17. The ups and downs , the tendency of the worldliness of the fairy theme for a thousand years have some correlation with the development of rational spirit in China 's history of thoughts .


  18. During the process of globalization , there has been a trend of diversification and worldliness in the development of world religion and an obvious increase of religion conflicts , which have greatly affected Chinese religion .


  19. Is it a penance for the ruthlessness of business , or a civilising veneer , or a balance to worldliness ?


  20. Yet , for all the worldliness that comes with her Hollywood experience , Watson said that growing up in a bubble of celebrity has left her feeling like a child when it comes to many things .


  21. Worldliness problem in public realm is highlighted by German-American thinker Hannah Arendt , in the process of rethinking and resolving the crisis of modern public realm , and her thoughts of rebuilding the public realm .


  22. As for poets in pursuit of a plain style , their subjective spirit of ridding themselves deliberately from worldliness and the tide of fashion is of more philosophical significance in seeking reality by virtue of the abnormal .


  23. The paper analyzes the Czech event and the Cambodian War , criticizes politics , strong power and humble worldliness . On the Choice of Political Pattern and the Rationality of Transitional Forceful Domination in the First Years of the Republic of China


  24. The development of Li and the change of literary trend in Ming dynasty , which consists in the existence of Yangming 's Xin and the trend of romanticism of novel and the occurence of Taizhou group and the tendency of the novel 's worldliness ;


  25. The decline of classical rationalism value , the religious pursuit of philosophy of a " nirvana " transcending worldliness and the placement of intuition and experience above thinking constitute the logic basis for the substitution of Christianity fideism for classical rationalism .


  26. In retrospection of Chinese vanguard artistic creation in the new era , it underwent different stages in the process of its more than twenty years development , from 1980s radical , pioneer and idealistic stage to the stage of all-round degeneration of 1990s worldliness and philistine .


  27. The morality of faithfulness and honesty , developed from the traditional Chinese sense of loyalty , was formed during the Spring and Autumn Period of China and experienced three phases of development , resulting in its striking national characteristics such as worldliness , supremacy and obedience and so forth .


  28. The essence of his critical spirit is that he refused to be confined to any particular school , ideology , or a party , but on the contrary , he decided to take everything into his critical horizon , thus foregrounding openness and worldliness of his critical vision .
