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美 [ˈwaɪnər]英 [ˈwaɪnə]
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  1. The performance of this system and the condition of using this system is analyzed with Winer Filter theory .


  2. Like her music , Winer 's life continues to write itself in unexpected ways .


  3. Eric Winer , of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School in Boston .


  4. I saw and listened to a lot of early hip-hop when I lived in New York , Winer recalls .


  5. ' The boys are so much fun to be with & it really has changed our lives , ' Ms. Winer says .


  6. Leslie Winer was , in the words of Jean-Paul Gaultier , the first androgynous model .


  7. But in winer , test swab could not run into tubing because the thick oil , and led to formation fluid sampling data could not be gained .


  8. Asked to comment on his own plans to give up blogging , Mr Winer said he would reply only through the medium of his blog .


  9. In the late ' 90s , Winer settled in France , where she has raised five daughters and recorded and performed sporadically .


  10. Winer , a well-known scholar , first found the phenomenon of reference price in 1986 in indirect means . After that , many studies have also demonstrated the existence of reference price .


  11. So , Winer said , it made perfect sense to him that Avastin should be approved for use in advanced breast cancer based on its ability to halt the progress of tumors .


  12. After these , some OFDM channel estimation algorithms based frequency-domain pilot are introduced , such as Winer filtering algorithm , singular value decomposition algorithm , transform-domain filtering algorithm and time-domain filtering algorithm .


  13. The reissue of " Witch " prompted Winer to reconnect with the producer Fachtna O'Ceallaigh , another of the album 's original supporters , to work on new music .


  14. Leslie Winer was , in the words of Jean-Paul Gaultier , " the first androgynous model . " In the 1980s , her angular features landed her campaigns for Valentino and Miss Dior ;


  15. Although " Witch " was a favorite of the legendary English radio DJ John Peel , and Winer went on to collaborate with Sinead O'Connor and Grace Jones , the album 's release was greeted with near silence .


  16. the music journal NME once called Winer the " grandmother of trip-hop , " though she says she 's " not even sure what trip-hop is . " The breezily transcendent " John Says , " one of the album 's highlights , appears here .
