windows phone 8

As a result , Windows Phone 8 sometimes thinks it 's a desktop operating system .
The next major version , Windows Phone 8 , launched in October 2012 .
Last month , Windows Phone 8 launched with Nokia lumia 920 devices .
Lucky for Microsoft , its Windows Phone 8 launch event was not scheduled for stormy New York .
The 928 is the latest in Nokia 's Lumia range of smartphones which use Microsoft 's Windows Phone 8 software .
Devices that run on Windows Phone 8 , made by Nokia , HTC and Samsung , will be launching over the next few weeks .
An important test for the company will come later this year when Nokia is expected to roll out a new smartphone based on the expected fall release of Windows Phone 8 .
Handsets that use the new Windows Phone 8 operating system will come with built-in mapping technology from Nokia , Microsoft 's key partner in the smartphone market , the company said .
But although the phone was well received , it wasn 't all smooth sailing : Some Windows Phone 8 users ran into an amusing situation where Windows failed to start and the screen showed an error message which instructed them to " Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer . "
This makes sense . The convergence of operating systems has been underway for some time , and many Microsoft customers may not realize that Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 , each formally released in 2012 , share the same underlying core architecture .
Microsoft said this year that customers who are using legitimate versions of Windows 7 , Windows 8.1 or Windows Phone 8 would be offered a free upgrade to Windows 10 for the first year it is available .
The company unveiled its ATIV line of products including a 10.1-inch tablet device running on Windows RT and a 4.8-inch smartphone running on the Windows Phone 8 system .
More boldly , in 2009 , Microsoft began developing Windows 8 , but instead of the usual windows upgrade , Windows 8 would work with PCs , tablets using arm chips and share many components with Windows Phone 8 .