white feather
- 白色羽毛;白羽毛(怯懦的象征);胆怯,害怕

Pull yourself together ; do you want to show the white feather in front of these people ?
Analysis on Growth Curves of Recessive White Feather Chicken in High Altitude Region
A girl touches my shoulder and hands me a white feather .
Early production performance of the Korea quail and the Chinese recessive white feather quail was studied .
White feather knew that his brothers .
Then he noticed on his desk a single white feather that had fallen from it .
Studies on the Emerging of Recessively Inherited White Feather Quails and Theis Application
He boasted a lot about his courage , but when danger came he showed the white feather .
The challenger showed the white feather as soon as he stepped into the ring with the champion .
The introduced recessive white feather cock showed a better adult weight , inflection point weight , absolute growth rate and relative growth rate .
On the Fate of Modern Chinese Romanticism Effect of Crossbreeding Between Recessive White Feather Broiler and Native Breeds of China
The genetic parameters of major quantity traits of white feather muscovy duck RF line were estimated with variance component of the mixed family .
He tore open the envelope and at first thought it was empty . Then he noticed a single white feather had fallen from it .
Each piece of black face about big spot , this is most easily recognizable features of sparrows , one of two white feather shoulder belt .
For example , to show the white feather , the meaning of the member words has no relevance to the meaning of the idiom to show fear .
In Xianju Chickens , except water hold capacity , the heritability of meat quality traits and nutrition ingredient content are higher than Gushi Chickens and Recessive White Feather Chickens .
No end of the war , no end of the death , roar , shout , cry , crowd into the sky . People 's soul is full of scare , white feather .
The meat performance of commercial stock of black-bone chicken with white feather at the early stage of growth was measured , while black-bone silky fowl and black-bone chicken with yellow feather were used as control .
Body weight and shank length of recessive white feather chickens that were introduced and reared in high altitude environment were measured at 2 ~ 20 weeks old . Growth curves were fitted with logistic and Gompertz models .
The frequency of white feather from different genotype of female domestic ducks was variable , of which the domes-tic ducks with the meat-duck kin was higher than that with the egg-laying ducks .
It was proved that the phenotypic expressions of the maroon feather , the yellow feather and the white feather result from the interaction between B / b and Y / y loci in the Z-chromosome .
And by mixing semen and breeding , we selected slow-feathering female chicks , 1460 , and slow-feathering male chicks , 150 , which were the base of creating a slow-feathering line of recessive white feather chicken .
The White Feather exhibition , housed in a shiny new edifice at the Pier Head 's ferry terminal , charts the rise and fall of John and Cynthia 's marriage against the rise and rise of Lennon 's fame .
The Genetic Polymorphism of the Erythrocyte and Plasma Esterase in Maroon , White and Yellow Feather Quail
Blue and white stripe cotton cloth feather pillow