
美 [ˈwɪmzi]英 [ˈwɪmzi]
  • n.怪念头;随心所欲;古怪可笑的举动;吊儿郎当

复数: whimsies



a way of thinking or behaving, or a style of doing sth that is unusual and not serious, in a way that is either amusing or annoying



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 奇思异想;不同寻常的行为
    Whimsy is behaviour which is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than having any serious reason or purpose behind it.


the trait of acting unpredictably and more from whim or caprice than from reason or judgment
I despair at the flightiness and whimsicality of my memory
Synonym: flightiness arbitrariness whimsicality whimsey capriciousness
an odd or fanciful or capricious idea
the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories
he had a whimsy about flying to the moon
whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it
Synonym: notion whim whimsey


  1. He had a whimsy about flying to the moon .


  2. They are like oracular messages , but witty-jaunty at times-and sometimes trembling on the edge of whimsy .


  3. But in real life , luck and whimsy only take you so far .


  4. Vintage cafe curtains in a graphic floral pattern add whimsy .


  5. Let it be the catalyst for whimsy .


  6. Some show cars are pure whimsy , confections dreamed up by young designers at play .


  7. It reminds me of Japanese craftwork , and has great scale and a whimsy that I love .


  8. On the whole , I really enjoyed this space for the pure quirk and whimsy of it .


  9. Mom , the " Wit and Whimsy " column has been in " Mode " for 60 years .


  10. Daniel : Great . um , but where 's the " Wit and Whimsy " column ?


  11. But perhaps most appealing is the whimsy that suffuses the store .


  12. Lightman : This is my assistant 's notion of whimsy .


  13. Film , TV and Sichuan Opera " marriage ", this is purely a Chinese audience according to their own aesthetic needs and artistic logic and whimsy .


  14. As your garden grows , the flags will disappear a bit among the leaves but will still add a little colorful whimsy to your garden .


  15. The three stages of her life a daughter of Taoist , a wife of whimsy and a common but great mother have reflected her characters and personalities .


  16. Merriam-Webster 's president , John Morse , said " w00t " was an ideal choice because it blends whimsy and new technology .


  17. But while the film preserves the quirky tone of the original game , one has to wonder if some of the whimsy gets lost in translation .


  18. Don George ( Editor , Lonely Planet ): I think families who have a real sense of whimsy and fantasy are likely to love Treesort .


  19. Far from telling us anything about doodling , it tells us the French have a babyish approach to work and a taste for arty whimsy .


  20. But those impulses can also strip a language of its wit , whimsy , and play , not to mention its capacity to accommodate new concepts and usages .


  21. Miss Lemon , of Salford , Greater Manchester , soon forgot about her act of whimsy , eventually marrying and having a child herself .


  22. These days , the spirit of in-jokes and whimsy lives on , but it has moved to new addresses : video games and movies & especially movies on DVD .


  23. When it comes to love stories , the new South Korean teleplays no longer use the distress card ; instead , they intersperse them with whimsy and romantic punch lines .


  24. Rosch states that human categorisation " should not be considered the arbitrary product of historical accident or of whimsy but rather the result of psychological principles of categorisation " .


  25. For Joe and me the hikes took the place of the old adventures as an outlet for a playful imagination , which turned increasingly to whimsy and burlesque .


  26. Americans have ' a strong taste for slapstick in various forms , and substitute riposte and banter for irony or whimsy , which they tend not . to understand .


  27. Offering all the whimsy from the Lewis Carroll novel , and all the fun of the movie and animation , you cannot help but fall in love with this amazing hotel in England .


  28. Gaze at the vivid yellows , blues , and psychedelic swirls of a single emperor angelfish and you 'll sense the whimsy of evolution .


  29. Both the characters and the teeming backgrounds , with all their opportunities for dramatic lighting setups , were color-scripted to maintain consistency and a persistent sense of whimsy and fun .


  30. Gone is all the masculine wood paneling and stately dark marble ( though they remain on the three floors below ) . In their place is light marble and white walls , full of nooks for exploring and eminently Instagrammable whimsy .
