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  • 网络WGSN公司;趋势分析
  1. More than 6000 customers use WGSN 's trend service today .


  2. WGSN claims its dataset has more than a million products and 11 million SKUs each day from more than 10000 global online brands and retailers .


  3. This season , WGSN plans to complement its existing data on womenswear , footwear , and accessories with information on kids " apparel and menswear .


  4. Vying for a share of the market is the British trend forecaster WGSN , which just last year launched its own first big-data offering , Instock .


  5. Jane Monington Boddy , Director Of Colour and Womenswear at ? WGSN , told Woman 's Hour host Jane Garvey that the colour has been enjoying a rebirth since 2011 .


  6. Rachel Arthur , a global senior editor at WGSN , a trend forecasting firm , said , " No one has produced a wearable that is 100 percent bang-on in terms of what mass consumers will want . "


  7. For designers , the distinction between social media 's function as a communication tool and as a creative resource has become blurry , said Rachel Arthur , a fashion trend forecaster at WGSN in New York who specializes in digital developments .
