- adv.几乎;差不多;可谓

- (of actions or states) slightly short of or not quite accomplished;all but
- the job is (just) about done
- the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded
- we're almost finished
- the car all but ran her down
- he nearly fainted
- talked for nigh onto 2 hours
- the recording is well-nigh perfect
- virtually all the parties signed the contract
- I was near exhausted by the run
- most everyone agrees
- Synonym: about almost most nearly near nigh virtually
Hook had well-nigh forgotten his prisoners , but as he swung round on them now his face lit up again .
Still higher , on their left , the elevation called Bulbarrow or Bealbarrow , well-nigh the highest in South Wessex , swelled into the sky , engirdled by its earthen trenches .
Defence was well-nigh impossible against such opponents .
Finding a rug that 's just the colour , size and price you want can be well-nigh impossible .
It would be well-nigh impossible to get there in less than an hour .
With no help , finishing the job in a day was well-nigh impossible .
They concluded that American literature had been well-nigh throttled at birth . (
Woman , I could well-nigh pity thee !
But as for him , his feet were almost gone ; his steps had well-nigh slipped .
Their supply of spices was well-nigh exhausted .
Intraperitoneal injection of guanethidine sulphate 20 mg / kg caused a well-nigh complete depletion in 5 hours .
The otter is well-nigh extinct in most of britain .
It is well-nigh impossible to separate desirable risk-taking from undesirable until either interest rates rise , or new bank regulations such as higher capital requirements are in place .
There will be a merry company in the forest ; and I well-nigh promised the Black Man that comely Hester Prynne should make one .
Full of hope , Edmond swallowed a few mouthfuls of bread and water , and , thanks to the vigor of his constitution , found himself well-nigh recovered .
It believes that Japan is well-nigh exhausted and will change her basic policy , voluntarily withdrawing from central , southern and even northern china , and that China can thus win without doing any more fighting .
He added , Of course , the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence . But we are compelled to recognise it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement .
That innate love of melody , which she had inherited from her ballad-singing mother , gave the simplest music a power over her which could well-nigh drag her heart out of her bosom at times .
It 's difficult or well-nigh impossible to systematically predict what 's going to happen . You may think you know you 're in a bubble , but you still can 't tell whether things are going up or down the next day .
No man who has endeavored to carry out an enterprise where many hands were needed , but has been well-nigh appalled at times by the imbecility of the average man-the inability or unwillingness to concentrate on a thing and do it .